John Porter of Harby 1559 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1559
In nominee dei amen the xx daye of August in the yeare of our lord god 1559 I John Portar of Hardbye within the countye of Leicester husbandman sicke in bodye butte hole of mynde & perfyte memorye do make mye laste wyll and testament In maner & forme following
Fyrste I bequyeth mye soule to almyghtye god & mye bodye to be buryed within the parishe churche yards of Hardbye
In primis I gyve to three of mye godchildren & to everye of them one lame hogge
Itm to Wyllm Clyffe mye godson iiiid
Itm to fyve of mye youngest bretherne systers & to everye of them one lamb hogge
The resdue of all mye goods & [small hole] mye dettes being dyscharged I gyve to Prysdans my wyfe & unto mye chylde which she is great withall at thys present & to be equallye devyded betwyxte them yff it shall please god mye chylde to lyve & come to perfyte yeares of discretion yff yt fortune to dye then mye wyfe to have the hole goods [small hole] To fyve of mye yongest bretherne & systers [small fold]
Item I make Prydans mye wyfe my full & lawfull executor & administrator of all mye goods & cattell
I wyll that mye brother Wyll [small obliteration] be the Supvisor [small hole] laste wyll and testament & to se that it be accomplyshed and fullfylled whome I gyve vis viiid for his panes
Thes being wynes
Rychard Watson
Rychard Dobledaye
John Hubbard
John Frances
with other …
The Inventorye of all the goods and cattell movable and unmovable of John Portar of Hardbye late disceased prysed bye foure Indifferent and honeste men that is to saye John Tyllesley Robt Byard John Hubbard and Wyllm Pyne
Imrimis one mare and one fyllye | xxvis viiid |
Itm ii … … | xxvis viiid |
Itm ii haffers … | xiiis iiiid |
Itm fyftye shepe … | vil xiiis iiiid |
Itm iii swine | xs |
Itm one quarter of barley | viiis |
Itm one quarter of peas | vis viiid |
Itm one ambrye | vs |
Itm [part of number obliterated] …bblers one chafyn dyshe two [small obliteration] and one | |
potte | vis viiid |
Itm iiii stone of wolle and one halfe | xxvis viiid |
Itm [obliteration] beddin with all other …ment [obliteration] | xxvis viiid |
Sum total | xiiiil ixs viiid |