Parnham Thomas 1663 of Stathern will

Thomas Parnham of Stathern 1663 Will

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1663

August ulto 1653

In the name of god Amen I Thomas Parnam of Stathorne in the county of Leaster husbanman beinge sicke in bodye but whole and perfect in mynd prased be god doe make this my last will & Testament as followeth

First I bequeath my soule to god my maker & redemer & my body to be buried in the church yeard of the parish church of Stathorne & all my goods I give as followeth

Inprimis I give to John Parnam and Gregory Parnam and Thomas Parnam Ten pownds a peese this is xxx li equally to be divided amongst them out of my personall estate when he shall come to aige

Item I give to my daughter Mary Parnam twenty pownds twelmonthes after my decease

Item I give to Damasin Parnam f… shillings & to her daughter Tomasin f… shillings twelmonthes after my decease

Item I give to Willm Parnam my grandchild my part of the pyed calfe

Item I give to Henry Parnam my son the salting trough

Item I give to my daughter Doraty Hoisse six ewes & lames this is to say 3 ewes & 3 lames & one halfe quarter of Barlye

Itm I give to Alles Parnam my daughter in law on ewe

Item all the remainder of my goods whatsoever after my funerall expenses discharged I give to Ellnor Parnam my wife & make her my sole executrix … she … my last will performed

                                                                                                         Thomas Parnam his marke


… …

Roger Frampton his marke

Probate 9 April 1663