John Parnham of Long Clawson 1710 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1710/47
In the name of God amen I John Parnham of Claxton als Long Clawson in the County of Leicester Yeoman being of sound and perfect mind and memory doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testamt in manner and forme following (that is to say)
First I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping through the merritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour and redeemer to receive full pardon and remission of my sins and to be made partaker of Life everlasting
And as for my body I comitt to the Earth from whence it was taken to be buried as my Extor shall think fit
And as to my Temporall Estate which the Lord in his mercy hath lent me I dispose thereof as followes (that is to say)
Impris I give to the Poor of Long Claxton aforesaid Twenty Shillings To the Poor of Holwell Ten Shillings To the Poor of Grandby [sic] Ten Shillings To the Poor of Neather Broughton Twenty Shillings and to the Poor of Twiford Ten Shillings
Item I give and bequeath to my Sister Mary Liddall Twenty Shillings
Item I give and bequeath unto my Neece Elizabeth Steele and To my Nephew John Read five Shillings apeece
Item I give and bequeath unto Isabell Smart Ten pounds
All which said Legacies by me hereinbefore given I will to be paid by my Extor hereinafter named within One year next after my decease
Item I give and bequeath to my Brother Thomas Parnham my best coat Wast coat Britches and Hatt
Item I give to my Grandchild Thomas Hickling my Bridle and Saddle the chest in the new chamber and my bible
Item I give to my Grandchild Robert Hickling my fire Iron and frogs The Long Table in the house Six Buffett stooles six of the best chairs in the house the bed in the Old parlour and all the furniture belonging to it The Coffer at the beds feet all my brewing Tubbs and my copper
Item I give to my Grandchild Sarah Hickling my bed and beding in the new Chamber The Coffer in the Apple Chamber and all the Linnin in the said coffer And all my pewter and brass Except the Coffer hereinbefore given to my Grandchild Robert Hickling
Item I give to my daughter the Wife of Robert Hickling and to the heires of her body All that Close or peece of Ground in Long Claxton aforesaid which I purchase of Mr Kirkby
Item I give to my said Daughter Anne for her life All my land in Long Claxton aforesaid which I purchased to me and my heires of One Robert Hickling of Leicester and after her decease I give the said land to her second son Robert Hickling and to his heires for ever
Item I give all that my house and homestead in Long Claxton aforesaid which I purchased to me and my heires of Robert Smart and William Smart and now in the Tenure or occupation of Widow Julyan To my Sister Margarett Smart for her life an from and Immediately after her decease I give the said house and homestead unto my Grandchild Robert Hickling and to his heires and assignes for ever
Item I give and bequeath unto my Couzon John Reeve of Melton Mowbray in the County of Leicester aforesaid Twenty Shillings
Item I give and bequeath unto my Couzon Anne Reeve of Melton Mowbray aforesaid Twenty Shillings
Item I give and bequeath unto my Grandaughter Anne Hickling The Table the Cubbard Six Chaires and the Bed and beding in the New Parlour
Item I give and devise to my Brother Henry Parnham and his heires All that my Messuage or Tenemt Two Closes Two Oxgangs of Land and Comons thereunto belonging with their and every of their appurts in Broughton als Neather Broughton in the County of Leicester upon such Trusts as are herein after mentioned and declared (that is to say)
Upon the Speciall Trust and condition that my said Brother Henry Parnham his heires and assignes doe and shall yearly and every year during the naturall life of my Sister Margarett Smart pay unto her forty shillings of Great Britain money at the Two Usuall Feasts or days in the year (that is to say) at the feast of St Michael the Arch Angell and the Annuncacon of the Blessed Virgin Mary by even and equall portions the first paymt to begin and to be made at such of the said feast days [two or three words lost in fold] happen next after my decease
And upon this further Trust and condition that my said Brother Henry Parnham his heires and assignes doe and shall pay out of my aforesaid Lands in Neather Broughton aforesaid to John, Mary, and Martha children of my sister Isabell Read the sum of five pounds to be equally divided amongst them share and share alike and to be paid them all at their several & respective ages of one & Twenty
To Elizabeth Doubleday five pounds to be paid her at her age of one and Twenty years
Item to John and Henry Smart sons of my Brother Timothy Smart five pounds apeece to be paid them within one year next after my decease
And I doe hereby charge my said Lands & Tenemt in Neather Broughton aforesaid with the several paymts of five pounds to my sister Isabell Reads three children five pounds to Elizabeth Doubleday and five pounds apeece to John and Henry Smart and forty shillings a year to my sister Margarett Smart
Item I give and bequeath To Henry Timothy Margaret and Elizabeth Smart children of Thomas Smart of Melton Twenty shillings apeece to be paid them by my Extor at their several and respective ages of One and Twenty years
Item I give and bequeath unto my Grandchildren Robert Sarah and Anne Hickling One hundred pounds apeece to be paid to them at their several and respective ages of One and Twenty years But my Will and mind is that my Daughter Anne Hickling shall have the Interest and improvemt of the hundred pounds apeece soe given to her children Robert Sarah and Anne until they severall attaine their severall and respective ages of One and Twenty years And my Will and mind is further that if it should happen that any of said Grandchildren should happen to die before he she or they attaine their full age of One and Twenty years then I give the legacie of him her or them soe dying unto the Survivor or Survivors Equally
Item all the rest of my goods Chattles Cattle and personall Estate whatsoever my debts legacies and funerall Expences being first paid and discharged I give and bequeath unto my son Robert Hickling whome I make full and sole Extor of this my last will and Testamt hereby revoking all former wills and Testamts by me heretofore made
In Witness whereof I the said John Parnham the Testator to each sheet of this my last will contained in Two Sheets of paper have set my hand and seale this first day of June in the year of our Lord 1708
John Parnham
Signed sealed published and declared by the sd John Parnham the Testator for and as his last Will and Testamt in the presence of us
Johanna Raven
James Spell
John Reeve
Probate 27 April 1710 to Robert Hickling