Pares Robert 1589 of Ab Kettleby will and inventory

Robert Pares of Ab Kettleby 1589 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1589

In the name of God Amen The xvth daie of Julye the yeare of our Lord God 1588 and the xxxth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god of England France & Ireland Queene, defendere of the faith &c I Robarte Pares of Ab Kettlebye in the Countie of Leicester Bachelor beinge of whole mynde & in good & perfect remembrance praised be god therefore make and ordaine this my present Testament conteyninge therein my last Will in maner & forme followinge

First I comend my Soule into the handes of Almyghtie god maker of heaven & Earth &c And my bodie to be buried in the parishe Church or churchyarde of Ab Kettlebie aforesaid &c

Item I give and bequeath to my Sister Marye Pares the yewe which had two lambes & the best … she can chuse & one lambe hogge

Item I give to my brother Michaell Pares two of the best … he can chuse

Item I Gyve to my brother Edward Pares one sheepe & to everie of his children one sheepe

Item I gyve to my Sister Allis Floure her fyve children fyve sheepe

Item I give to my Sister Agnes her son Edward Smyth one sheepe

Item I give to my Sister Darothie her children one sheepe amongst them all

Item I gyve to uncle James Pares halfe a stone of wolle

All the rest of my goods unbequeathed I give unto Agnes Pares my mother whome I make my full & whole Executrix of this my last will & Testament these being witnesses Agnes the wife of James Pares & Izabell the wife of Thomas Crosse


The Inventorie of all the goods Cattell and Debts moveable & unmoveable of Robart Pares of Ab Kettlebye in the Countie of Leicester late deceased praised by John Baylye Roger Stele & others

First his apprell vis viiid
Item in his pourse iis iiid
Item xxi sheepe iii li xiiis iiiid
Item in wolle xiiis iiiid
Item owinge to hym by his fathers will x li
                                         Sum xiiii li xvis viid

Probate 29 December 1589