Palmer Thomas 1633 of Stathern will and inventory

Thomas Palmer of Stathern 1633 Will

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1633/12

In the name of god Amen The sixteenth day of February in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand Sixe hundred thirtie and two

I Thomas Palmer of Statherne in the Countie of Leicester Laborer doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following

First I give and bequethe unto my brothers Sonne John Palmer twentie shillings

Item all the Rest of my goods not bequeathed nor given I give unto Alice Palmer my wife whom I doe make sole executrix of this my last will and testament                                       

Witnesses hearof

James Brough

William Hanson

Jane Rowse


A true and perfect Inventorie of all the goods & Chattels of Thomas Palmer late of Stathorne in the Countie of Leicester Laborer deceased prized the 23 daie of Februarie 1633 by two discreete men viz: James Rouse & Roger Wilson as followeth

Imprimis his purse apparrell and girdle 12s
Item one bed 10s
Item one Cubboord 10s
Item one payre of hardin sheetes & 3 napkins 3s 4d
Item 2 Coffers and a little boxe 5s
Item 3 pewder dishes one candlestike 2 salts a drinking Cupp & 4 pewder spoones 5s
Item a Lynnen wheele a little barrell a little leaven tubb 2 little tubbs a … 2 stooles  
& a dozen of trenchers 3s 6d
Item one old Cheese hecke 2 sithes a pikestaffe and a pitchforke 2s 6d
Item a stone of wooll 10 yards of woollen Cloth & one … of woollen yarne 28s
Item a bow and arrows with other implements in the parlour 16d
Item one old table one fourme & one chayre 3s
Item one landiron 2 frogges of Iron and two Reckin hookes 4s 6d
Item a thackrake a cutting knife a hay hooke a hammer & a kitte 2s
Item one Cow & one heiffer 4 li
Item haye 20s
Item a bushell of barlie and a bushell of pease and some corne to thresh 20s
Item some pease on the hovell 16s
Item 2 little pigges 7s
Item a few coales with all other things about the house and about the yard not knowne  
nor remembred 2s
                                                     Suma xii li 12s  

Probate 8 April 1633