Richard Paget of Stathern 1612 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/235/65
The will nuncuptyve of Richard Patchett late of Statherne in the Countye of Leicester deceased made & declared the xxvth day of June Ao dni 1612 in the presence of Nicholas Barnes David Blanckley and John Patchett as followeth viz
He gave unto his wife all his land & howse dureing her naturall life And after hir decease he gave the said house and land unto Richard Patchett his sone and to his heires forever And for want of heires of the said Richard the … … John Patchett his sone and to his heires for ever And for want of such heires … … heires of the sd Richard the father for ever To John Patchett his sone the sume of forty pounds in full satisfaction of his Childe parte and of a debt of xxviii li xiiis iiiid which he the sd Richard the father did owe unto the sd John his sone
To Eliz Howton his kinswoman x li
All the rest of his goods he gave unto Emmett his wife
Probate 12 August 1612