William Oswin of Holwell 1642 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1642/27
May the 12th Anno dni 1642
A nuncupative Will of the late deceased William Oswin servant beinge in perfect memorie declaring his minde the daie and yeare abovewritten to his Master John Hurste of Holewll; howe he would have his land and goods disposed of
Inprimis he gave to his brother Robert Gamble and Isabell Alwood daughter to John Alwood of Scalford his land meadowe and gorse ground to enter upon after the ende and expiracon of the lease which he hath latelie sealed to his brother James Oswin and that the said John Alwood shalbe Overseer for the equall devidinge of the said land meadowes and gorse ground betwixte his said brother Robert Gamble and the said Isabell Alwood
Itm he doth give to his brother James Oswin seaven pounds equallie to be devided amongst his three children
Itm he did give unto his brother Peter Gamble five pounds which he oweth him
Itm he did give unto his two sisters sixe pounds a peece to their use that their husbands should not dispose of
Itm he said that the said John Alwood and Robert Gamble shalbe executors of his nuncupative Will
Theis or the like words in effecte he uttered in the presence of this credible witness
Testis John Hurst
Sarah Alwood her mke
I Thomas More Vicar of Abkettlebey cum Holwell doe herebie testifie that this is John Hurst his hand of Holwell and I being sent for to praie with the said sicke man in is life tyme the 14th daie of Maie 1642 did afterwards move unto him he had settled his estate his answere was I have done it
Ita tester Tho: More
To all xtian people to whom this present writing shall Come I John Alwwod als Awewood of Scalford in the county of Leic husbandman send greeting in our Lord God everlastinge
Whereas by the last Will nuncupative of William Oswin deceased late the servant of John Hurste of Holwell in the said countie yeoman made the 12th daie of Maie 1642 I the said John Alwood was made by the said William Oswin ioint executor of the said Will with Robert Gamble of Frisbey upon the Wreake in the said county of Leic Laborer as by the said Will shall and maie appeare
Nowe knowe yee that I the said John Alwood for divers good causes and Consideracons me at this present espetiallie moveinge have released unto the said Robert Gamble my said executorship and doe likewise herebie for me my executors and adminstrators give assigne sett over and deliver unto the said Robert Gamble his executors administrators and assignes all the interest power title and claime whatsoever which I the said John Alwood my executors or administrators nowe have or hereafter shall or maie have of and in the goods cattells & chattells of the said William Oswin by vertue of the said will nuncupative or otherwaies soe that neither of the said John Alwood nor my executors or administrators shall or will hereafter claime or challendge anie title or benefitte thereby but shalbe thereof barred and excluded for ever
In witnes whereof I have herunto put my hand & seale the xxiiiith daie of Maie in the eighteenth yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland Fraunce and Ireland and Kinge defender of the faithe &c Annoq Dni 1642
John Alwoode his marke
Sealed and delivered in the presence of us
Tho: Beale
Tho: More
William Shepperson
Exhibited 26 May 1642