James Nottall alias Philip Lowe of Nether Broughton 1600 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/221/108
In dei noie amen the Twentie Day of Apryll 1600 Ao Regni dne me Elizabethe dei gra Anglie Francie et Hibine Rna fidei defensh &c Quadragesimo Secundo I James Nottall also Phillip Lowe of Nether Broughton in the countie of Leicester Laborer sycke in bodye but whole in mynde doe Constytute ordayne & make this my Laste Will & testament in maner and forme folowinge viz
Firste & principally I doe yelde and bequethe my soule into the hands of almyghtie god my maker & Trustinge that he will except it & receve it unto hym selfe and place it Amongst the number of his holye Angles and blessed saints not for any worthynes that is in me, But for the Worthynes of Christe Jesus his sonne my onlye redemer and savior And as for my bodye I doe Comende it to the ground from whence it Cam Trustinge Lykewyse that my Lorde and Savior will rayse it upp at the Laste Daye and make it Licke in all poynts unto his gloryfied bodye willing that it maye be buryed within the Churche yarde of Nether Broughton
First I geve & bequethe to the Churche of Nether Broughton xiid
Itam I geve and bequethe to Dorrithy Nottall alis Lowe my sonnes Dayghter xxvs
Itam I geve and bequethe to my Daughter in Lawe beinge nowe with Chyld yf it please god it do Lyve xxs And yf it please god to take it out of this lyfe Naturall Then that xxs to Remayne to the other three Chyldren of my Sonne Charles Nottall also Lowe
Itam I geve and bequethe to my Daughter Elizabethe Cam xiid
Item I geve and bequethe to my Daughter Elizabethe Cames Children fortie shillings
Itam I geve and bequethe to my Wyfe Ales Nottal alis Low the third parte of the goods that is … to be mine
Itam I geve and bequethe to Jone Nottall alis Low my Sonnes Daughter one Cowe
Itam I geve & bequethe to Ales Nottall als Low my Sonnes Daughter one heffer
Also I doe make my Sonne Charles Nottall alis Low my full & solle executor of this my Laste Will & testament forfutynge all other Willes heere to fore
Also I will that the goods which is myne shall not be devided so longe as my Wyfe & my Sonne Lyvethe And my Wyfe to have the government of my goods so Longe as she Lyves
Debts owinge to the testator
John Smythe of Nether Broughton vii li
John Smyth … me more xxs
These beinge Witnesses
Rayfe Wright
Rychard Wright
Willm Wright
Rychard Symson
A trew Inventory of all the goods and Cattell of James Nottall alis Phillip Low of Nether Broughton in the Countie of Leicester Laborer Deseased Praysed by Raphe Wright Rychard Wright Henry Browne and Andrew Wright the xxxti day of Apryll in the yeare of our Lorde god 1600 viz
Imprimis his Purse & his apparrill | xiiis iiiid |
Itam one Panne ii kettles ii potts | xxxiiis iiiid |
Itam xix peces of Pewter a Salte A Chafindishe & iii Candelstickes | xiiis iiiid |
Itam one pare of flaxon sheits ii pare of hempen Cloth ii pare of harden sheits iii napkins | |
ii pillows with a bord Clothe | xxviiis |
Itam ii matresses iii Coverlets iii blanckets ii pillowes iii boulsters | xxxs |
Itam vi Cushings | iis |
It ii bedsteeds iii Coffers | viiis |
It one Ambry ii Cheeres one borde one forme one penne and kytt | viis |
It the haye all the wood about the yard one Leather | xxvis viiid |
It iii kyne & a Calfe | v li vis viiid |
It xii sheep | xls |
It one Coke & iii hennes | xvid |
It one Lease | x li |
Debts owinge to hym | viii li |
Suma totals xxxiii li ixs viiid |
Probate 1 October 1600