Neale John 1607 of Ab Kettleby Will

John Neale of Ab Kettleby 1607 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/229/2

There is also a probate copy of this will at the archives

In the name of god Amen The second day of November Anno dni 1606 in the fourthe yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god of England Fraunce and Ireland king defender of the faith and of Scotland the fortieth I John Neale of Abkettelbie in the Countie of Leic yeoman being in good and perfect memorye and in reasonable state of health of bodie the Lord be praised therefore do constitute and make this my last will and testamt in manner and forme following

First and principallie I comend and betake my soule to thalmighties most blessed tuicon the father sonne and holy ghost three persons and one onlie wise god Trusting only to be saved by the infinite merritts and mercies of Jhesus Christe my redeemer and mediator between god and man

And my bodie I comitt to the earth dust to dust from whence it came to be buried in my parish church of Abkettelbie in a place there called our Ladies Chappell

And I give towards the reparacon of my said parish Church xiid

Itm whereas I latelie bought and purchased a pencon or yearlie rent of xxxs by yeare to me and mine heires for ever yssuing and going out of the parsonage of Nether Broughton in the said Countie of Leicester my will is that my sonne Willm Neale and his heires shall receive and take the said pencion or Yearlie Rent of xxxs yssuing as aforesaid to the onlie uses intents and purposes herein after menconed That is to saie that he the said Willm Neale and his heires and assignes for ever shall and will yearlie betwixt the feast day of the blessed Virgin Mary being the Twentie five day of March and St Michaell tharke Angell for ever after my death provide and buye three sufficient waine or Cart loades of Coales for fewell everie of the said loads to be such as are brought to be sold at Melton by the Carriers and not exceding the price of ten shillings And the same so bought and provided as aforesaid shall and will yearlie at the time aforesaid for ever distribute devide and bestow the said Coles amongst the poorest sort of the inhabitants that are and shalbe dwelling within the towne of Abkettelbye aforesd by and at their discretions

And if at any time hereafter yt shall happen that some of my kinne and blood being decaied and wanting substance of his worke wherby he she or they shalbe worthilie reputed and taken for to stand need of such releif of fewell Then my full will and mind is that he she or everie of my kinne and blood so decaied shall have one whole loade of the three loades of coles abovemenconed and thother two to be distributed as aforesd

But if it shall so happen that my said sonne Willm Neale or any other heire or assignes to whom the sd pencon or yearlie rent of xxxs shall by course of Law discend or any other waies come shalbe so evill minded to detract or hinder the performance of this part of my will (which god forbid) Then my full will and minde is as much as by Law I may to give full power and authoritye to the Vicar Church wardens and overseers of the poore of the towne of Abkettelbye aforesd for the tyme being or to any two of them wherof the Vicar to be one that upon he not performing of this parte of my will by detracting and withholding the said three loads of coles or any part therof from the poore inhabitants of Abkettelbye aforesd by the space of one whole yeare to enter into the possession and to receive and take the sd pencion or yearlie Rent of xxxs aforenamed until such tyme as here arise a godlie minded man of my name that will fulfill my will and to provide and distribute the three loads of Coles in such manner and form as mine heires and assignes ought to have done according to my true intent and meaning

Itm I give and bequeath unto everie of my grandchildren xxs

Itm I give unto the poore inhabitants of Abkettelbye aforesd iiis and to the poore of Holwell iis vid And to the poore of Wartnabye iis vid to be given of my buriall daye

Itm wheras Willm Brocke [Brook according to the inventory] of Elmden in the Countye of Warwike is indebted unto me the some of Five and Twentye pounds as by his Bond plainlie appeareth I give of the said money menconed in that Bond yf it may be recovered unto Elizabeth Brocke and Agnes Brocke daughters of my late daughter Elizabeth Neale deceased to eich of them ten pounds to be paid when they shall accomplish the Age of xxi yeares or mariage whether comes first And I give unto the said Willm Brocke xls of the said money

Itm I give unto Hugh Fowler of Calladowne xxs and xxs more to buy therewith a Fetherbed ticke

Itm I give unto John Fowler my godsonne xxs and to everie other of my god children xiid

Itm I give unto my two daughters Jane & Hellinge to eich of them xxs

I give unto Richard Stevens of Claxton my Sonne in Law my best cloake

All the rest of my goods moveable and unmoveable unbequeathed I give and bequeath unto William Neale my Sonne Whom I make my Sole executor of this my last will and testament

And I renounce all former willes and testamts and so rest in the mercies of god abiding his good pleasure

In Witnes whereof I have herunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first abovewritten

Probate 28 March 1607


The true and perfect Inventory of all the goods and Chattels which Latt ware and Did belonge unto John Neale Latt of Abkettelby deceased prased the xxith of March Anno Dom 1606 and in the forth yeare of the Ringe of oure Soveringe Lord kinge James of England and of Scotland the fortieth by John Hurst the elder Willm Stokes Henry Shepperson and Robart Stokes as folowethe

Imprimis his poursse with the money in it and his apparellv l
It The Crape of Corne and haye feald and Townelxxx l
It one youke of oxson and his gelding with bridell & sadellxii l
It all his houshoud stoufe with the bruinge vesselsxxx l
It The Cartes plowes with the geares and plowe timber and harowesx l
It all the Swineiiii l
Deets oinge unto him 
It Willm Brooke oethe unto himexxv l
It Thomas Brokesby oethe unto himeviii l
It Wydo Crosse oeth unto himv l
Suma totalisC lxxix li