John Moore of Long Clawson 1782 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1782/150
In the Name of God Amen I John Moore of Claxton otherwise Long Clawson in the County of Leicester Grazier being in perfect Mind and understanding Praised be Almighty God for the same Do this twenty eighth day of March in the Year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eighty two make this my last Will and Testament in manner following, that is to say
First I resign my Soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator and my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently Buried at the discretion of my Executor herein after named
And as for such temporal Estate which it hath pleased Almighty God to bless me with I Give and dispose of the same as followeth (to wit)
I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Margarett Clifton the sum of One Hundred Pounds to be paid her by my Executor herein after named
I Give and Devise unto my Son John Moore and his Heirs and Assigns for Ever all my Right, Interest, and share of Property of all those Three Closes of Meadow or Pasture Land (together with all appurtenances and priviledges belonging the same) lying and being in a certain place of the Liberty of Claxton otherwise Long Clawson aforesaid called Slideburrows hill Field containing together about Seventy three Acres three Perches Statute measure now in my own occupation
I also Give and Devise unto my Son John Moore his Heirs and Assigns for ever all my Right Interest and share of Property of all that Messuage or Tenement with all appurtenances thereto belonging lying and being in the Liberty of Claxton otherwise Long Clawson aforesaid wherein I now live
I also give and Devise unto my Son John Moore his Heirs and Assigns for Ever all my Right Interest and share of Property of all those three Closes of Meadow or Pasture Land (together with all appurtenances and priviledges belonging the same) lying adjoining to the aforesaid Messuage or Tenement containing together about eight acres twenty two perches now in my own occupation
Also I give and Devise unto my Son John Moore his Heirs and Assigns for Ever all those six Closes of Meadow of Pasture Land lying and being in a Certain place of the Liberty of Claxton otherwise Long Clawson aforesaid called Acrehill field together with all appurtenances and priviledges belonging the said six Closes containing together about Eighty nine Acres thirty two perches statute measure part of which was allotted to me from lands and Common Right of my real Estate part from Lands and Common of an Estate which I bought of Robert Wright part I Bought of Thomas Oldknow and part I bought of William Gilbert all of which is now in my own occupation
I also Give and Devise unto my Son John Moore his Heirs and Assigns for ever all that Close of Meadow or Pasture Land Called or known by the name of Short Crofts (lying and being in the Liberty of Claxton otherwise Long Clawson aforesaid) together with all appurtenances and priviledges belonging the said Close which I bought of Thomas Oldknow now in my own occupation
I also Give and Devise unto my Son John Moore his Heirs and Assigns for Ever all that Close of Meadow or Pasture Lands called or known by the name of Dove Coat Close with a Dove house standing in the same together with all appurtenances and priviledges thereto belonging lying and being in the Liberty of Claxton otherwise Long Clawson aforesaid now in my own occupation
I also Give and Devise unto my Son John Moore his Heirs and Assigns for Ever all that Messuage or Tenement with all appurtenances and priviledges thereto belonging Standing lying and being in the Liberty of Claxton otherwise Long Clawson aforesaid which I bought of Robert Wright now in the Occupation of my Son John Moore
I also Give and Devise unto my Son John Moore his Heirs and Assigns for Ever all those Two Closes of Meadow or Pasture Land together with all appurtenances and priviledges thereto belonging lying and being in certain places of the Liberty of Claxton otherwise Long Clawson Aforesaid called Gorse Field and Moor Meadow which was allotted to me from Land and Common which I bought of Robert Wright and now in the occupation of my son John Moore
I also Give and Devise unto my Son John Moore his Heirs and Assigns for Ever all that Messuage or Tenement together with all appurtenances and priviledges thereto belonging which I bought of William Porter Standing lying and being in the Liberty of Claxton otherwise Long Clawson aforesaid now in the Tenure of John Clayton
I also Give and Devise unto my Son John Moore his Heirs and Assigns for Ever all those two Closes of Meadow or Pasture Land called or known by the name of mungar Closes with all appurtenances and priviledges thereto belonging lying and being in the Liberty of Claxton otherwise Long Clawson aforesaid which I bought of Robert Wright now in the Tenure of John Clayton
I also Give and Devise unto my Son John Moore his Heirs and Assigns for ever all that Messuage or Tenement with all appurtenances and priviledges thereunto belonging being in the liberty of Claxton otherwise Long Clawson aforesaid which I bought of John Hubbard now in the Tenure of Thomas Kilbourn
I also Give and Devise unto my Son John Moore his Heirs and Assigns for Ever all that Close of Meadow or Pasture Land with all appurtenances and priviledges thereunto belonging (which I exchanged for (with Susanna Lovett) lying and being in the Liberty of Claxton otherwise Long Clawson aforesaid) now in the Tenure of Thomas Kilbourn [sic the content of this paragraph]
I also Give and Devise unto my Son John Moore his Heirs and Assigns for Ever all my Share (or part) of a Wind Mill also my Share (or part) of Land belonging the same on which the Mill stands together with all appurtenances and priviledges belonging thereto standing and being in the Liberty of Claxton otherwise Long Clawson aforesaid now in the Tenure of John Campion
I also Give and Devise unto my Son John Moore his Heirs and Assigns for Ever all that Messuage or Tenement and Several Closes of Meadow and Pasture Land Standing lying and being in the Liberty of Nether Broughton in the County of Leicester together with all appurtenances and priviledges thereunto belonging Which I bought of William Blower and now in the Tenure of Richard Hill
I also Give and Devise unto my Son John Moore his Heirs and Assigns for Ever all those four Closes of Pasture or Meadow Land together with all appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging lying and being in the Liberty of Nether Broughton aforesaid containing together about fifty five Acres Statute Measure and now in my own occupation
I also Give and bequeath unto my Son John Moore all the Rest and remainder of my Goods Cattle Chattells and all my Personal Estate of what nature and quallity soever (my just debts Legacies and Funeral expences and the expences of proving this my Will being first thereout discharged)
And I do hereby make him my Son John Moore my full and Sole Executor And I do hereby Revoke Disannull and make void all former Wills made by me Declaring and Ordaining this (Contained in this one sheet of Paper on both sides thereof) to be my last Will and Testament
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the day and year first before Written
John Moore
Signed sealed published and Declared by the said John Moore the Testator as and for his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other Subscribed our Names as Witnesses
Measures Lumley
Edward Moore Senr
Edward Moore Junr
On the 16th day of July 1782 John Moore the sole Executor above named was sworn to the due Execution hereof
Before me Tho: Haines Surrogate