John Moore of Long Clawson 1571 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1571/58
In the name of god Amen in the yeare of owre lorde god mdlxv the vii yeare of the reangne of Elyzabethe by the grace of god quene of Englande France and Ierlande Defender of the faythe &c and the xvi daye of June wytnessethe that I Jhon More of Claxton in the Cont of Lycester husbandman being syke in bodye and of good and perfecte remembrance do ordane & mayke thys my last wyll and testament in maner and forme hereafter folowyng
Fyrste I bequethe my soule to allmyghte god my mayker and redemer and my body to be buryed in the church of Claxton my paryshe church
It I bequethe to the mother church of Lyncolne iiiid
It I bequethe to my curate for all my tythes neclygently by me forgotten viiid
It I bequethe to Thomas Bacon my sune a couple of reade kye
It I bequethe to Jhon More servante to Thomas Byarde a weaning cowe calfe
It I bequethe to Robarde my sune one blacke cowe
It I bequethe to Wyllyam More the sune of Rycharde More A blacke quye
It I bequethe to Robarde More my sune iiii of my beste draughte mares and a reade fole
It I bequethe to Thomas Bacon my olde grey mare and and hyr fole
It I bequethe to Thomas Bacon iiii shepe
It I bequethe to my sune Jhon chylderin amongeste them ii yowe shype
It I bequethe to Jhon More servante to Thomas Byarde one shype
It I bequethe to Jhon More my eldeste sune a bushell of barley and a bushell of peayse
It I bequethe all my croppe or corne and heye to Thomas Bacon and Robard More my sune being equally devided betwixte them
It I bequethe to Thomas Bacon the greateste brasse panne and a lytle calderin
It I bequethe to Robarde More my sune the second brasse panne
It I bequethe to Jhon More my eldeste sune a basen and a laver
It I bequethe to Thomas Bacon my sune and Robarde More my sune all my puter beinge devided amongst them by equall partes
It I wyll that a greate brasse panne the laver stones a payre of mawlte quernes and a payre of musterde quernes remeane here herye lomes as the comenlye be called that ys to remeane from herye to herye for ever for I fownde theym heare so I wyll leave them
It I bequethe to Robarde More my sune a greate spytte and a payre of coberdes
It I bequethe to Robard More my sune a table and a forme
It I bequethe to Robarde More my sune my carte and carte geares the plowe and plowe geares and a oxe harro
It I wyll that Thomas Bacon and Robarde More my sunes have all my goodds unbequethed amongeste them equally parted
It I wyll that Jhon More my eldest sune and Robarde More my sune be full executors of thys my laste wyll and testyment
It I wyll that Sir Christofer Goodwin Vycar be my supervisor of thys my laste wyll and testyment
Thes wytnisses Sir Christofer Goodwin Vycar Rycharde Smarte Thomas Belle Wyllyam Fawxe wythe other moe
Thys ys the trewe Inventory of all the goods and cattill of Jhon More of Claxton lately decessed praysed by Mychaell Browne Robarde Cawnte Jhon Fawxe Henry Holte Rycharde Hoberde
Imprimis hys apperell | vis viiid |
It iiii mares | iiii l |
It iii kye and a … | iiii l |
It xx shype | iii l |
It v swine | xs |
It iiii gysse | iis |
It the pullin | iiis |
It the carte and carte gears plowe & plowe geares and harrows | xxxs |
It towe quarter of weate | xvis |
It iii quarter of barley | xxxiiis |
It iii quarter of peayse | xxiiiis |
It the brasse and puter | xls |
It the napery ware the bedesteades and the cowfers | xxxs |
It the baken flyckes | vs |
It the quernes wyth … cobardes a branderne with … other implements | xvs |
It the croppe of weate on the grounde | xxs |
It the hovill wythe other shuche lyke stuffe | xiiis iiiid |
It all simple implements in the howse | xs |
Itm in redy moneye | iis viiid |
Suma totalis xxiii l xvs iiiid |