Matthews Henry 1710 of Plungar will and inventory

Henry Mathews of Plungar 1710 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1710/52

In the Name of God Amen May the 25th 1709 According to The Computation of the Church of England I Henery Matheyes of Plungar in the County of Lester Sheperd being in perfect Memory and Remembrance praised be God for the Same Does make and ordaine this my Last will & Testament in manner and forme following

First I bequeath my Soule into the Handes of Almighty God my maker Hopeing that through the meritorious death and passion of Jesus Christ my onley Lord and Saviour to Receive free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and as for my Body to be Buried in Christian buriall at the Discretion of my Executors Hereafter mentioned

Imprimis I give and Bequeath unto my Brother Richard Matheyes Living at Stoake in the County of Nottingham one Shilling

Itt I give unto my Kinsman John Matheyes Son to my Brother Robert Matheyes one Shilling

Itt I Give and Bequeath unto my Son in Law John Burden the House Where I Now Dwell with the Appurtenances

Itt I Make the Said John Burden and Mary My now Loveing Wife Executors of this my Last will and Testament and Revockeing all former Wills I Have hereunto set my Hand the Day and yeare first above Written

                                                                                                         Henery Matheyes his Marke


William Gibben

The Mark of Will: Pell

Tho: Shelton


An Inventory of the Goods of Henry Mathewes late of Plungar Deced

  £ s d
Impris His purse and Apparell 00 05 04
Pewter and Brasse In the House 00 06 00
A Little Table and Cupboard In the House & things In the Chimney 00 03 00
A Tub and two little Barrells & two little Kits 00 02 05
A Bed and Beding thereon 00 07 07
A pr of Blanketts and a Pillow and two Sheets 00 04 00
One Wheele and a Reele 00 02 00
One Chest and a Box 00 03 03
One Cow 00 06 06
Some odd things not Seen by us 00 00 06
  04 00 03

Andrew Guy

Wm Gibbin

Robt Howett