Marriott Richard 1634 of Long Clawson will and inventory

Richard Marriott of Long Clawson 1634 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1634/20

In the name of god Amen This ninth daye of Maye In the yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of god of England, Scotland, France & Ireland Kinge defender of the faith &c the tenth 1634 I Richard Marriatt of Claxton als Longe Clauston in the Countie of Leceister husbandman (beinge sicke of bodie but of good & perfect memorye praysed be god) doe make & ordayne this my last will & testament in manner following

In primis I give and bequeave my soule unto god that gave it, & my bodie to bee buried in the Church yard of Claxton aforesaide

Itim I give unto the poorest widdowes in our parishe of Claxton afoesaied xxd to bee distributed at the discretion of Richard Flower, John Foster & Michaell Dubbledaye

Itm I give unto my daughter Ann Parker twelve pence

Itm I give unto my sonne Richard Marriat xiid

Itm I give unto my sone John Marriatt twelve pence

Itm I give unto my sonne Gregorye Marriatt five pounds of good & lawfull money of England, to bee payed with in twelve moneths next after my discease And my will is that my sonne Richard Marriat paye the saied sume

Itm I give unto my sone Edward five pounds, to bee payed unto him within towe yeares next after my discease by my foresaied sonne Richard out of a Certayne sume of money which he oweth unto me for lands

Itm I give unto my grande Child, John Marriat towe Oxe yokes, a long Iron teame, a peare of weare Clyrisses, three peares of small Clyrisses a plough Cocke & a plough beame & foure shelbreades

Itm I give unto they Brethren of the fore sayed John Marriat Richard & Thomas six pence a peece

Itm I give unto both my sons in lawe William Parkers Children sixe pence a peece & to either of them ten shillings if my sonne John will paye it unto them

Itm I give unto my sone Gregories daughter my last Cast of Bees

Itm I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Marriatt 2 kynes

The rest of all my goods & Chattells unbequeaved I give unto my daughters Elizabeth & Grace Marriatt whome I make & ordayne ioynt executrixes of this my last will & testament to see my debts payed, my legacies discharged & my bodie to bee reverently brought to the ground

Amongst those things I have given to my executrixes I give them the other ten pounds in my sonn Richards hands

Lastly I make & ordayne John Foster & Richard Flower overseers of this my last will & testament giveinge to either of them sixe pence for their paynes

                                                                                                         The marke of Richard Marriatt

Testes sunt

Thomas Wright Scriptor

Edward Marryt

William Sprickly his marke


A true Inventorye of all they goods and Chattells of Richard Marriatt of Claxton als Longe Clauson in the Countie of Leceister husbandman Taken this 28th of Maye 1634 by Edwarde Marriat William Robinson and William Sprickley husbandmen of Claxton aforesaide

In primis his purse & apparrell 13s 4d
Itim 3 payre of flaxen sheets 18s 0
Itim 7 pillowe beares 1 Towell 5s 4d
Itim 6 napkins 2s 0
Itim 4 payre of Hempton sheets 2 board Clothes 5 pillowes and 2 boulsters 20s 0
Itim 2 Coverleads 1 Blanket 1 mattresse 7 Quushions 23s 0
Itim 2 Bedsteads & the bedding & furniture thereon 17s 0
Itim some yarne 2 Lynnen wheels 1 Wollen weele and blades 5s 0
Itim in the Chamber Peas, Bacon Barley, 2 Cofers & other Impleaments 20s 0
Itim in the Buttrye 1 Trough, 1 Barell, 3 payles, 1 pigon, 2 tubbs, dishes, Trenchers & all  
impleaments of wood 10s
Itim in the house, 1 Cubberd, Pueter, & brasse, a table and frame 3s 8d
Itim 2 kyne 1 Calfe 5l 6s 8d
Itim in the yarde the hovell & hovell tymber, and other impleaments of wood 5s 0
Itim the Croppe in the feild 3l
Itim 4 hives 16s 0
Itim Swyne & pullen 18s 0
Itim one Leather 12d
Itim the fire Iron, and tongues other Impleaments about the fire 2s 0
Itim 1 penn 2 pitch forkes 1 spade 1 brouch and things forgotten 18d
The whole somme is 18l 14s 10d  

They praysers names

Edward Marryt

William Robinson

William Sprickley his marke

Probate 26 August 1634