Marriott John 1586 of Eastwell will and inventory

John Marriott of Eastwell 1586 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1586/49 also probate copy

In the name of god Amen the xxvth daie of Auguste in the yeare of our god 1586 I John Maryat of Estwell in the Countie of Leicester beinge sicke in bodie but of perficte memorie, doe ordayne constitute and make this my laste will and Testament in manner and forme followeinge

First I geve and bequethe my soule to allmightie god, in whome I believe onelie to be my Saviour and Redemer, as for my bodie I bequeathe to the earthe, from whence it came, and to be buriede in Churcheyearde of Estwell

Itm I geve unto Thomas Tales all my apparell

Itm I geve to everie one of the said Thomas Tales his daughters one Ewe and a lambe

Itm I geve to Sence Co… one Ewe

Itm I geve to George Tales one yearlinge calf

Itm I geve to John Huckerbie one foale

Itm my debts and Legaseis beinge dischargede and paide I will that all my goodes moveable and unmoveable shale devidede into ii partes the one half part whereof I doe geve and bequeathe unto Hugh Franncke, and the one half of the other parte I geve unto Agnis my wife, and I will that the other half shalbe equallye devidede betwexte my twoe daughters

Itm I doe make Hughe Frannke my full and Lawfull Executor of this my laste will and Testament and Nicholas Parpoint and Willm Heathe the Supervisors of the same, to se this my Last wyll performed

Wyttnesses hereof Wylliam Huckberye Robart Draper Willm Heath withe others


The trew Inventory of all the goods and cattells of John Marriat of Estwell in the countie of Leicester deceased prised by fowre indifferent men, that is to say, Henry Hawtrey, Nicholas Perpoynt Richard Spicke and Richard Hardell the xiiii day of September and in the yeare of oure Lord 1586

Imprimis one youlke of oxen v li
Itm ii mares iii li vis viiid
Itm i foale and one yerlynge calfe xxvis viiid
Itm I kyne & one weaning calfe iii li vis viiid
Itm iii Swyne xvs
Itm iii Shetes viis
Itm ii yoos and iii lames xvs
Itm xii other shepe xxxiiis
Itm Rye iii li vis viiid
Itm hay xxvis viiid
Itm vii acarrs and a … of barley v li viiis
Itm an acarre & a … of oates xiiis iiiid
Itm 33 acarre of pease xxxs
Suma xxvii li xiiis viiid
In the hall  
Itm a cubbord a tabell a forme a cheare a littell fallynge tabell with a disshe benche vis viiid
Itm iii brasse potts ii pannes ii cawdrons and ii Skilletts with a frying panne xxxiiis iiiid
Itm vi tubbes iiii peales a chearne a saltyng trowhe iiii chese fattes v boweles iiii … platters  
with dishes trenchers & a tankerd xiiis iiiid
Item iii platters & peawter dishes iii sawsers ii saltes iii candellstickes & ii porringers xiiis iiiid
Itm spits copirons brandirons a paire of tonges a fyer iron and pott hookes viiis
Suma iii li iiiis viiid
In the parlor  
Itm his apparrell vis viiid
Itm his purse and his girdell iiiid
Itm iii arkes iii bedsteds iii bolsters iii pilloes iii coverlides & i blanket xiiis iiiid
Itm a paire of flaxen sheats v paire of hempen vi paiyer and a sheete of harden xxs
Itm one other bedstead a mattrisse a bolster ii pillowes with beares ii coverlids i payre of  
flaxen sheats and one payre of hempen sheates xxs
Itm iii tabell cloths iii towells vi napkynnes iii pillowe beares vi yards of harden a wallet and  
iiii badd caisshens xs
Itm iii li of yarne and ii li of flaxe iis vid
Itm iiii bottells a mannd iii erthen cannes ii pippins iii drinkynge cuppes iiis iiiid
Suma iii li xvis iid
In the chamber  
Itm woolle viiis
Itm ii wheell a payre of blades & a cheese hache iis
Itm a window cloth with sackes & bagges iiis iiiid
Itm a … a hopper & v boards iis
Itm paynted cloethes xxd
Itm viii pycheforkes ii … hookes iiii … hookes ii … hookes and a sickell iiis
In the yard  
Itm plowe & plowe geares weane & weane geares, with a payre of yron harrowes xxxiiis iiiid
Itm iii ladders iid
Itm plow tymber, hovell ware, & ould wood about the yard xxxiiis iiiid
Itm x shepe fleacks xxd
Itm viii geease, ix hennes, & xx chyckins vs
Itm coales viiis
Itm xiii acar of fallow xiiix iiiid
Suma iiii li xvis iiiid
Suma totalis xlii li xd

Probate 4 November 1586