Elizabeth Marriott of Long Clawson 1561 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/253
In the name of god amen in the yere of our lord god mccccclxi the xxvi day of Marche wytnessyth that I Elizabethe Maryett of Claxton beinge sicke in body and holle and perfytt of remembrance do ordeyn and make this my laste will and testament in maner and forme hereafter followinge
Fyrst I bequethe and comytt my soule to almyghtye god my maker and redemer and my body to be buryed in the churche yerd of Saynt Remyge of Claxton my paryshe churche
Itm to the mother church of Lincoln viiid
Itm to the curate for all my tythes negligently omitted and forgotten by me xiid
Itm to the bells xxd
Itm to John Cursonne … … …
Itm to Agnes Gamble a payre of hempen shetts and a payre of flaxen shetts and a …
Itm to Emmott Collyngton a …
Itm I bequeath all my goods ungyven or unbequethed to my brother Leonile Cursonne
Itm I ordey and make by brother Leonile my executor of this my laste will and testament
Itm I ordeyn and make Leonile … and Henry H… the supvysors and overseers of this my last will
Thes wytnesses Xpofer Goodwyn Vicar and John … with other moo