John Littledike of Hose 1561 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/253
In the name of God Amen The xii day of November in the yere of our lorde god mcccclx I John Litledike of Hose in the County of Leic beinge of perfect remembrance do make my last will & Testament as hereafter followeth
Fyrst I bequiethe my Soule to the great mercye of god trusting to be saved onely by the meritts of Jesus Christ my redemer and my body to the earth to be buryed in the church yearde of Hose aforesaid
Itm I gyve to the said church towarde the mendinge of the grete Bell iiiid and to my curate for forgotten tythes iiiid
Itm I gyve to the church of Lincoln iid
Itm I gyve to Agnes Gigger my Syster iis and to every child she hathe xiid
The resydewe of my goods my funerall Discharged I gyve & bequiethe to Robert Litledike my Brother and to his children
And I make the said Robert myne exor
Thies beinge witnesse John B…in clerke John Spenser and Thomas Rowse with other
Probate 6 February 1560/1