John Lee of Long Clawson 1632 Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/34/8
A true Inventorye of all the goods and Chattells of John Lee thelder of Claxton als Longe Clauson in the Countie of Leceister webster lately disceased Taken by Richard Hickling thelder, Christophe Lee & William Lee, husbandmen of Claxton aforesayed this 12th of March 1631 [1631/2]
Im primis his purse & apparell | 20s |
Itim in the parler, for all the napkins pillowbeares, and Lynnen 3 peare of sheets, and an halfe | 25s |
Itim 1 quilt, 3 Coverleads, 2 pillowes | 11s |
Itim 2 Cofers, flaxe seive | 7s |
Itim a steele looking glasse, a fryinge pann, a spitte, and other Impleaments | 5s |
Itim woodden wares, a barrell a tubbe & other impleaments of wood | 6s |
Itim other Impleaments of wood | 2s |
Itim wollen yarne, a … & Coales | 5s |
Itim in the house 2 potts 5 pans | 30s |
Itim the Cubberd with pueter and other things thereon | 6s 8d |
Itim 1 board, 2 payles, one chayre, stoules & quushions | 2s 6d |
Itim in the Chamber 2 peckes of otemeale, 2 Tubbs, 1 Strike of malt, 1 of peas, some barley | 9s |
Itim 2 wheeles, 1 scuttle, foure bagges | 3s |
Itim Six short boards | 18d |
Itim in the shope, Loumbs and other furniture | 30s |
Itim 2 kyne, hea & hovel timber | 4l 6s 8d |
Itim 1 spade, 2 forkes | 12d |
Itim 2 Hens, racking and other impleaments about the fire & things forgotten | 2s |
The whole sume is | 12l 5s 2d |
The praysers names & markes
Richard Hickling [his mark]
Christopher Lee
William Lee
Exhibited 15 April 1632