Knott William 1700 of Long Clawson will and inventory

William Knott of Long Clawson 1700 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1700/5

In the name of God Amen The fifteenth day of June 1700 according to the computation of the Church of England I William Knott of Claxton als Long Clauson in the County of Leicester yeoman being weak of body but of a sound & perfect mind & memory Blessed be Almighty God for it doe make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say

First and principally I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator hopeing through the meritts and mediation of Jesus Christ my onely Saviour and Redeemer to receive full pardon of all my sinnes and be made a partaker of life everlasting And as for my body I comit to the Earth from whence it was taken to be buried in such manner as my Executrixes hereafter named shall thinke fit and convenient

And as touching that temporal estate which the Lord in mercy hath lent me I dispose of it in manner and form following That is to say

I give and bequeath unto my daughters Mary Knott and Anne Knott all my house & homested & goods cattell & Chattells to them & their heires for ever share & share alike they paying my debts & funeral expences And I make and ordain my loving daughters Mary Knott and Anne Knott aforesaid sole executrixes of this my last Will and Testament

Thus revoking & making void all former Wills and Testaments by me made I doe hereby ratifie & confirm this to be my last Will and Testament setting hereunto my hand & seal the day and year first above written

                                                                                                         William Knott his marke

Signed sealed and published as the last Will and Testament of William Knott in the presence of us

John Reay

Robert Knott

Henry Hebb


A true and perfect Inventory of all the Goods Cattell and Chattells of William Knott of Claxton als Long Clauson in the County of Leicester yeoman deceased the sixteenth day of June 1700 and prized the nineteenth of the same month by us whose names are here subscribed

Imprimis his purse and apparell 5 0 0
Item In the old parlour bedsteds & goods there 3 0 0
Item In the new parlour chairs a table fire iron & other things 1 10 0
Item In the chamber over the parlour a bedsted & curtains a table & chairs      
& new curtaining 3 12 0
Item In the litle chamber a bed & stools & cobbords 0 14 0
Item barrells & shelves in the dairy 0 13 4
Item In the booting house & chamber over it tubbs & cheese & other      
inconsiderable things 1 10 0
Item In the chamber over the house & other chamber malt & barly & greats      
& others things there 1 10 0
Item In the Kitchen a cheespress & shelves & in the litle dairy a shelf or two      
with the Kitts 0 13 4
Item Brass in the Kitchen 1 10 0
Item Linnen viz sheets & napkins &c 2 10 0
Item Peuter 1 10 0
Item In the house chairs & tables & fire irons 3 10 0
Item The crop on the ground viz corn & grass 16 10 0
Item A mare & fole & three cows 12 10 0
Item Two hefers & two yearlings & two calves 6 0 0
Item 8 sheep & five lambs 4 0 0
Item A sow & four piggs 1 0 0
Item Manure 1 0 0
Item Things unseen & forgot 0 5 9
                                                                                            Totall is 68 8 5

John Keay

Henry Hicks

Robert Knott

Henry Hebb

Probate 6 August 1700