Kirk St John 1727 of Holwell Inventory

St John Kirk of Holwell 1727 Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1727

A True and perfect Inventory of all the Goods Chattels and Cattel of St John Kirk of Hollwell lately Deceased taken and Valued by us whose Names are under written

Impris Purse and Apparel050000
Item Goods in the House or Kitchin as Pewter the Copper other Brass and   
Andirons and the rest of the Goods in that Room040000
Item In the Parlor a bed a great Oval Table and the rest of the things in that   
Item Cheese Press, Churns, Barrells Panshions and other things in the Dairy020500
Item In the best Chamber Wooll a Bed Chest of Drawers Table Chairs &c640400
Item Cheese and odd things in the Cheese Chamber070000
Item In the Chamber over the Kitchin Wooll A Bed a Chest and other things330000
Item In the Honey pot Close, Ewes thirty one Lambs Seventeen Beast five at511700
Item In the hither Landike five Heifers thirty one Ews & four Lambs400500
Item Gozzy Landike twenty three Lambs, Four Cows, Six Ews271000
Item Little Landike four Cows130000
Item In the …ewning Sixteen Lambs091200
Item Over Meadow twenty Lambs111000
Item In the Wooll Dale Eight Ewes030000
Item In the great Close, one hundred Sheep Six Cows and Six Calves990000
Item In Jonathan Close Nine Lambs041000
Item One Mair060000
Item Two Piggs021000
Item Things unseen and forgot  000500

Witness my Hand

Richard Harris

Willm Leadbeater his mark

Isaac Newby

Renunciation by Alice Kirk of Holwell, relict of St John Kirk of administration of estate, requesting administration to go to John Kirk, son of deceased, 3 October 1727

                                                                                                                Alice Kirke

Bond, bound John Kirk of Holwell and William Boadman tailor of Holwell 3 October 1727, condition bound John Kirk son and administrator of St John Kirk late of Holwell intestate to produce inventory and administer estate

                                                                                                                John Kirke

                                                                                                                William Boadman