Kirby Martin 1657 of Hickling Will

Martin Kirkby of Hickling 1657 Will

The National Archives PROB 11/266/143

In the name of God Amen The Twentie Eighth daie of Aprill One Thousand Six hundred fiftie seaven I Martin Kirbie of Hicklinge in the Countie of Nott yeoman beinge sick in Bodie but of good & perfect memorie (Praysed be God for it Doe make this my Last will and Testament in manner & forme as followeth

First with a free heart and willing mind I give and bequeath my soule into the hands of Almightie God my maker Redeemer Sanctifier and preserver hopeing through the death and meritts of Christ Jesus my Saviour to have a joyfull resurrecon at the Last daie when my soule shalbe reunited againe unto my bodie, and my bodie I Commit to the Earth To be decentlie buried at the discrecon of my Executors hereafter named

And as for that worldlie estate which God of his Large Bountie mercie and goodnesse hath bestowed upon me I doe dispose of as followeth

I give unto my Brother William Kirbie and to his Three Children Twentie pounds amongst them That is to saie: five pounds a peece

Alsoe I give unto my Brother Andrew Kerbie five pounds

I give unto my Kinsemen William Kirbie and Andrew Kirbie sonnes of my Brother Peter Kirbie Late deceased five pounds a peece

I give unto my Kinsewoman Emot Smith wife of Ed: Smith and Marie Kirbie widdow five pounds a peece

I give unto Richard Newton my Kinseman five pounds

I give to Elizabeth Coatts my Kinsewoman Twentie shillings

I give to Anne Welch widdow my Kinsewoman Twentie shillings

I give to Edward Welch and William Welch my Kinsemen to each of them Tenne shillings

I give to Rachell Marret widow Twentie shillings and and to her sister Elizabeth Marret Tenn shillings

Also I give to Henry Roe Twelve pence And to his sister Isabell Twentie shillings

I give to Alice Hart of Kinolton five shillings

I give to my Godchild Franklyn five shillings

I give to my God daughter Dorothie Kirbie five shillings

I give to William Caunt and Joane Caunt to each of them Thirtie shillings

My will is That these Legacies be paid by my Executors within Two years after my decease

I give to John Stronge the moyetie and half part of that house wherein I now Live And all that Land Meddow and pasture which I Latelie purchased of William Daft and to his heirs for ever to enter upon at the decease of my wife Jane And all deeds and writeings concerninge the same

All the residue of my goods when my debts are paid and these Legacies discharged and my funerall expences I give unto Jane my welbeloved wife & William Daft her sonne in Law

And I make them Executors of this my will

In witness whereof I have set to my hand and seale

The Testator before the sealeinge of this will said That his will and mind is That his wife shall have the use of all his goods and the Intrest of his Monie dureinge her Life and after her decease, Then to William Daft his wife and daughter Anne

                                                                                                                Martin Kirbie his marke


William Daft

John Musson his marke

This will was proved at London The fourth daie of Julie in the yeare One Thousand Six Hundred fifty seaven Before the Judges for probat of wills and graunting Administracons Lawfullie authorized By the oaths of Jane the Relict and William Daft her sonne in Law the Executors named in the said will To whom was graunted Administracon of all and singuler the goods Chattles and Debts of the said Deceased: They being first Sworne by Commission trulie to Administer the same