Kilby Robert 1667 of Grimston Will

Robert Kilby of Grimston 1667 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1667

In the name of God Amen the seaventeenth day of May in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand six hundred sixtie and seaven I Robert Kilbie of Grimston in the County of Leicester Shepard beinge weake of body but of sound and perfect memory praysed be God doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following

First I give and bequeath my Soule into the hands of Allmighty God my Creator in full assurance that through his mercy and the merits of Christ Jesus my Saviour I shall have free pardon and remission of all my sins And my body I comend unto the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter named

And my worldly Goods to bee distributed as hereafter is expressed

First I give and bequeath all my land in Grimston and the house wherein I inhabite to Robert Kilbie my Sonne and his heires and if my Sonne Robert Kilbie depart this life without heires of his body begotten then my minde is that Henry Kilbie my Second Sonne shall have the same house and lande to him and his heires And for want of heires of his Body Then to my Daughter Ann and her heires and assignes forever

And my minde is that my Wife shall hould the house and land until my Sonne Robert Kilbie shall accomplish the age of one and twenty yeares and then hee to enter

Item I give to John Kilbie my Sonne one Shillinge

Item I give unto my Sonne William Kilbie one Shillinge

Item it is my will that my Sonne Robert Kilbie shall pay to my Sonne Henry Kilbie when hee doth come to the age of one and twenty yeares fifteene Pounds

Item that he shall pay to my Daughter Ann Kiblie when shee shall come to the age of one and twenty yeares ten Pounds if he injoye my Estate

Item I give unto my Daughter Margerett one Shillinge

Item I give and bequeath unto my Wife all my Goods Cattell and Chattells and debts of what nature or kinde soever and I make and ordaine her to be the Executrix of this my last Will and doe hereby revoke and renounce all former Wills by me made

In Wittnesse whereof I have sett my hande and seale the day and yeare above written

                                                                                                                The marke and Seale of Robert Kilbie

Sealed and Delivered in the presence of

John Kirkby

The marke of Robert Simpson

The marke of Thomas Day

Probate 9 October 1667

44’28 1322/85

A true and perfect Inventorie of all the Goods Cattel and Chattells of Robert Kilbie late of Grimston in the County of Leicester Shephard deceased, taken June the 6th Anno Dom 1667 by

Imprimis his purse Apparell and girdle150
Item in the house one Cubberd one Table one buffett forme, one buffett stoole,   
3 Cheares 12 dishes of puter 2 poringers 6 Sausers 2 Candlestickes one Sault,   
one bible one flaginger one Chafeindish one fall Table350
Item in the Parlour 2 Beds with the furniture one Chest 3 Coffers one warmeing   
pan one lookeinge glass 6 paire of Sheets one Towell one table cloth 4 pillow   
beares 6 napkins644
Item in the milke house 4 brasse panns 2 brasse potts 2 barrills 3 tubs one thrale   
3 formes 2 pailes 4 chease fats one pestill and morter one paire of cabberds and   
2 spitts3150
Item in the Chambers 4 Strikes of corne one Table one Shelfe one greate forme   
3 wheeles one churne one bedstead one bacon flich one tub one cimnile2100
Item 3 Cowes and one pigge5100
Item 5 Ewes and Lambs and 2 Lambe hoggs258
Item 2 Acer of barley and 2 of pease5100
Item for things unnamed and forgotten  068
The Summe totall is3098

John Neale

William James

The marke of Robert Simson

Bond, bound Anne Kilbie widow of Grimston and Nicholas Burges yeoman of Grimston 1 October 1667, condition bound Anne Kilby relict and executrix of Robert Kilbie late of Grimston to execute will

                                                                                                                Signum Anne Kilby

                                                                                                                Nicklis Burgis