Kemp Mathewe 1581 of Harby will

Mathewe Kempe of Harby 1581 Will

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1581

In the Name of god Amen in the yeare of our Lord god 1581 witnesseth that I Mathewe Kempe of Harbye in the Countye of Leicester husbandman as sicke in body but whole in mynde and of good & perfect Remembrance thanks be given to Almightie god doe ordayne and make this my Last will and Testament in maner and forme following

First I bequeath my soule unto almightie god my maker and Redeemer & my bodye to be buryed in the Churchyard of Harbye

Ite I bequeath unto Margrett my wife and unto Ludwicke my sonne my farme to occupye the same joyntly together either whilst my wife doth keepe her widdowe or unto her death and then my will is that Ludwick my sonne shall have the whole

Item I doe gyve and bequeath unto Isabell my daughter xl to be paid unto her either uppon the same daye that she is marryed or within one halfe yeare after

Item I will that Jane A… my daughters Child shall at the age of x yeares old have by her … of iii yeares old

Item I bequeath unto Jo: A… Agnes and Richard the children of my daughters Children any one of them a Ewe & a lambe

Item I doe gyve unto the poorest … of people in Harbye xxd

Also I will that the residewe of my goodes unbequeathed shalbe equally devyded into ii partes whereof I will that Ludwick my sonne shall have the one half & Margarett my wife … whome I doe make my full & sole executrix of this my Last will & testament shall have the other parte

Also I doe appoynte & make by brother Ludwicke & my brother Thomas overseers of this my Last will and Testament And they to have for their paynes taking either of them xiiis


Jo: Hickling Curate

Walter Gulson

Ludwick Kempe

Probate 11 July 1581