Julian William 1680 of Hose will and inventory

William Julian of Hose 1680 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1680/121

In the name of God Amen the sixteenth day of September in the yeare of our Lord 1680 I William Julian of Hose in the County of Leicester yeoman being sicke in body but of perfect memory thankes be to god therefore Calling to mind the mortality of my Body and knoweing it is apointed for all men once to die Doe make and ordaine this my Last will & testament that is to say in maner & forme as followeth

First & principally I give my Soule into the hands of God who gave it me And my body I comend to the Earth from whence it was taken to be buried in cristian & decent manner & in such place as my Executrix hereafter shall thinke meet & convenient Nothinge Doubting but at the generall Resurrection I Shall receive the same againe by the mighty power of God

And as touching such worldly estate where with it hath pleased God to blesse me with I this Life I give bequeath & dispose in maner and forme following

First I give and bequeath unto my onely son Richard Julian my Messuage house wherein I now dwell with the homestead & every of their apptennces & my hay Close next Claxton allis Clawson Mr Dashwood Lieing west And alsoe one of my three oxgang of arrable Land & apptennes anciently my fathers after my mother Julians decease to him & his heirs for ever And alsoe I give & bequeath to my said sonn Richard my other twoe oxgan of Land & appcs after the decease of Elizabeth my wife to him and his heires for ever All which said Messuage homestead & Lands abovesd lies in the Liberty & precincts of Hose abovesd

And alsoe I give to my sonn Rich All those severall peeces & parcells of Lands & Inclosure which my father purchased of James Kempe Thomas Kempe James Julian Thomas Julian John Dixon Nicholas Whitticarry & William Blagge Lieing in the Libertys of Hose & Claxton alis Clawson to him and his heirs for ever

And alsoe I give to my son Richard Julian one parcell of Land which I Lately purchased of George Julian being in the feilds of Hose called the party Close to him & his heirs for ever

Item I give to my sister Elizabeth Arnold five pounds of Lawfull mony of England to be payd within twelve moneths after my decease

Item I give to my sister Alce Parnham five pounds of Lawfull mony of England to be payd within twelve moneths after my decease

Item I give to my Kinsman George Julian five shillings

Item I give to Ane Margarett Stoakes three shillings and foure pence

Item I give to Barbara Wilson one Shilling

Item I give to Mary Glenn one Shilling

Item I give to Margaret Paule one Shillinge

Item I give to John Stoakes one Shilling

Item I give to William March one Shilling

Item I give to William Stronge one Shillinge

Item I give to my Cozen Frances Tinsley three Shillings

Item I give to the Poore of Hose Tenn Shillings

Item I give to my sonn Richard Julian Twenty Pounds to be payed within Twelve moneths after my decease to my father in Law Hugh Gill & John Rowse my Loveing Kinsman or their executors or adtors to & for the onely proper use & Behoofe of my said sonn Richard Julian

Item it is my will that my Sonn Richard Julian shall have & enjoy my above menconed Messuage and homestead & That one oxgang of Land arrable & Party Close given to him for & dureing the naturall Life of my Mother Ann Julian paying yearely by quarterly payment unto  my said Mother Julian dureing her naturall life the sum of foure pounds of Lawfull English mony as the halfe part of that mony menconed in a certaine Deed of Feefment Tripartite dated the nineteenth day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord 1676 And alsoe forty shillings yearly by quarterly payments to George Julian as is Covenanted by me for & in consideration of the bargaine of the Party Close

Item it is my will that my Executrix hereafter named shall pay foure pounds of good & Lawfull English mony yearely by quarterly payment to My mother Julian dureing her naturall Life as the other halfe part of that mony menconed in the above said Deed tripartite And alsoe one pound & fifteene shillings of the Like mony to George Julian yearely by quarterly payments dureing the Life of the sd George Julian as for & in consideration of the bargaine of the Party Close And fetch or bring him the sd George Julian twenty & twoe hundred of Coales to Hose from Nottingham in & in Lew of the same consideration

Item I give to my son Richard Julian all my houshold goods except those which my wife Elizabeth brought with her one sett of curtains to make one cusshion & the warming pan

Item it is my will that Elizabeth my wife shall sowe reape & enjoy the reape of Corne next ensueing

Item it is my will that if it happen that my wife Elizabeth be now with child that my Sonne Richard Julian shall pay to such Child be it male or female the sum of eighty pounds of Lawfull mony of England when it he or shee shall come to and accomplish the age of one & Twenty yeares And it is my will that the Twenty pounds I before gave to my Son Rich Julian to be payd within Twelve months after my decease shall not be payed till he at the age of one & Twenty yeares if my wife Elizabeth contracts not in wedlock againe but if shee doe marry againe to be payd within Six moneths after such wedlocke or mariage to them before menconed to the same use & behoofe and if she marry not to be paid to my son Richard at the age of 21

Item all the reste or residue of my goods Chattle & Cattle whatsoever my debts payd Legacies & funerall expences discharged I give & bequeath unto Elizabeth my well beloved wife whom I doe make & ordaine Sole Executrix of this my Last will & Testament soe revokeing all former wills & testaments I constitute appoynte and declare & publish this to be my Last will and Testament

In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale the day & yeare first above written

I desire Hugh Gill my father in Law & John Rowse my Kinsman to be Supervisors of this my will

                                                                                                         William Julian

Signed sealed published pronounced & declared by the sd William Julian as his Last will & Testament in the presence of

Elizabeth Stokes her marke

John Stokes

Hugh Gill

Henry Parnam


A true and perfect Inventory of all the Goods Chattles and rights of William Julian Late of the parish of Hose in the County of Leicester & Dioces of Lincolne yeoman Late deceased taken & prized the sixteenth day of September Ano Dom 1680 by John Stokes John Rowse & Peter Maltby as followeth vid

  £ s d
Imprimis his purs and his apparell 10 0 0
Item in the house fire iron Reckins and other utinsells aboute the fire with the      
Spits cobberds & Driping pan 1 10 0
Ite twoe Tables twoe furme cheres & Stooles with one Carpett & Cushions 2 0 0
Item in the parler next the house one Chist one box twoe Cheers one warmeing      
pan and furniture for one bed 3 13 4
Ite beding out of use new Cloath & one Cubberd 2 14 0
Item in the further Parler one bed with its furniture 8 0 0
Item one Livery Cubard one Table one Chiste and box two Cheres three Stoales      
& one Cushion 3 14 0
Item Table cloathes napkins sheets and pillow bears 4 6 0
Item in the Deery milke vessells Cheese presse salting trove shelves Churrn with      
othere Utinsells ther 1 10 9
Item in the buttery six Barrells 0 18 0
Item in the space puter Brasse and other things ther 4 0 0
Item wollin yarne 0 15 0
Item in the Kitchin Quernes furnace Leavin tubb breweing vessells Kitts and      
other utinsells 4 0 0
Item I the Kitching chamber one bed & furniture 0 13 0
Item in the Chamber over the house malt barley Bacon one try with other things 18 0 0
Item in the Chamber over the parlers twoe bedsteads with theire furniture one      
Arke twoe Chists & other things 3 10 0
Item in the Chamber over the spare stockcards wheeles flaskits baskits &      
other things 0 10 0
Item in the store Chamber Cheese & Butter with utinsels there 5 0 0
Item in the Kilne haire-cloathe winnowing cloath & forkes with other things 1 0 0
Item eight Mares one Colte & twoe foales 45 0 0
Item ninteene Beasts 30 0 0
Item eighty three Sheepe 20 0 0
Item the Swine 6 6 8
Item Beese and Poultry 0 13 4
Item Corne in the barnes & yard 63 1 9
Item Hay 20 0 0
Item Carts and Cartgeares plowes and plowegears & harrowes 13 13 4
Item Coales 2 13 4
Item fleakes sheepe cribs stone troves hovils wood & other things 2 12 6
Item things unseen unknowne and unprized 0 5 0
                                                                                                Sum total 280 0 0

John Stokes

John Rowse

Peter Maltby