Julian Richard 1623 of Hose will and inventory

Richard Julian 1623 of Hose Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1622/87

In The name of god Amen I Richard Julian of Hose in the Countie of Leicester yeoman for divers good Causes doe ordayne and make This my last Will in this manner following

Imprimis I doe Comend my soule to god my maker And my bodye to be buried in the Churchyard of Hose Aforesayd

Item I give unto my sone James Julian Twentie and five pounds Thirteen shillings and foure pence To be payed unto him within Twoe yeares after my decease

Item I give unto The sayd James my Sone Three bayes of framed Timber and a Cullis pertinent Therefore To builde him a house withall

Item I give unto my sone Robert Julian Twentie pounds To be payed unto him at the end of sixe yeares after my departure

Item I doe give unto Margaret Julian my daughter the Sume of fourtie poundes To be payed unto her at the age of one and Twentie yeares or att the daye of her mariage whichever of Them shall first happen

Item I give to the sayd Margarett Julian my daughter all That my halfe oxgange of land, medow, pasture and Common of pasture with all other the aptenances to the same belonging, lying in the West end feildes of the Towne of Claxton alias Clawston which sayd land I purchased of Richard Guye of Claxton Alias Clawston aforesayd

My will is that the sayd Margrett shall have the sayd halfe oxgang of land To her and her heires for ever And to enter upon the same at the age of one and Twentie yeres or at the daye of her mariage whether of them shall first happen

Item I give to my [no space but word missing] William Julian my stable with the plowshers and furniture for the same as ample manner as nowe it is And one land in … William Rouse north and James Kemp West

Item I give unto my sone Will one good and strong Iron bound Carte and one plowe

Item I give to the say William my Sone my Cowe hovel with the … … partes theretoo belonging and the partes aboute the Churchyarde

Item I give unto Elizabeth Julian my daughter in lawe one Ewe and lambe and to Richard and Elisabeth Julian my Sones Children to either of them an ewe hogge And to the Children of my daughter in lawe is nowe bigge withall one ewe hogge

Item I doe give unto my daughter Elizabeth Bonham fiftie shillings to be payed to her at the end of three yeres after my decease

Item I give to Richard Bonham one heifer To Robert and Anne Bonham to either of them an Ewe hogge

Item To my sone Richard Julian one bestead Twoe Coverlids, Twoe blankets, one payre of flaxen shetes, one matris, one pillowe, one boulster

Item To my Wife Elisabeth Julian I do give all my houshold stuffe except before given to my sone Richard

To the poore of Hose I doe given Ten shillings to be given at the discretion of George Fullwood and my Sone Richard

Item I give to the repayre of the Church at Hoose Tree shillings and four pence

To Annis [?] Whally my servant one shilling

Item I give to everie one of my god Chilldren fourepence

To James Julian, Robert Hickline, and Richard Lane everie one of Them Twelve pence

The rest of my goods and Cattells Chattells unbequeathed (my depts and funerall expences discharged) I give and bequeath To Elisabeth Julian my loving Wife and To Richard Julian my sone whoome I do make joyntly the full executors of this my last will and Testament

In Wittness whereof I the above sayd Richard Julian have hereunto set my hand and seal the Tenth daye of March 1622

                                                                                                         Richard Julian his mark and Seale

In the presence of These Witnesses vid

George Fullwood Minister

Richard Lane

Robert Hickling


A True Inventorie of all the goods Cattels And Chattells of Richard Julian of Hose latlye deceased Taken the 17 daye of November 1623 And praysed by James Julian, Robert Hickling, and Richard Lane

Imps his pursse And Apparrell 3li

Item In the parlor 2 Chests with 20 payre of Flaxen sheets in them 7li

Item 9 payre of hempen and harden shetes 33s 4d

Item 3 payre of flaxen sheets and 7 payre of hempen shetes in one Chest with other linen and borde Clothes 3li

Item 5 peeces of linen Cloth with pillowe beres And Towell 4s

Item 16 Coverlids 3 blankets 2 bedsteads with other implements in the parlor 5li

Itm 2 feather beds 7 battrisses with boulsters pillows and bedsteads in the Chambers 5li 12d

Itm 2 peeces of Woollen Cloth with woollen youn 6s 8d

Itm backon butter and Cheese with [hole] in one Store Chamber [hole]

Itm in the butterie 3 potts 3 pans [hole] other utinsalls therein [hole]

Itm one Cupborde … pewter [hole]

Itm in the house one Table [hole]

Itm in the kitchin one brewing leade with other usefull things therein 20 6 5d

Itm 8 keine 2 bullocks 3 fleeces 2 heifers 3 yearling Calfes 2 weaning Claves 28li 6s

Itm horses in the stable 21 li

Itm Swyne in the yard 4li 10s

Itm 56 shepe 10li

Itm in the yarde haye and Corne 40li

Itm 3 Cariages, with plowes and harrowes, Cart geares, and plowe geares, wood in the yarde with querns and … fatt in the kilne 10li

Itm 2 hyves in the orchard 3s

               Suma Totalis 154l 0s 6d

James Julian

Richard Lane his marke

Robert Hickling

Probate 29 November 1623