Julian George 1694 of Hose will and inventory

George Julian of Hose 1694 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1694/80

The 16th day of February Anno Dom 1686

In the name of God Amen I Georg Jullian of Hose in the County of Leicester husbandman being weake in body but of parfect memory prased be to the allmighty God doe ordaine and make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following

Imprimis first I commend my Soule into the hands of the Allmighty God my Creator and redeemer and Saviour and my body to bee buryed in desent manner by my executors hereafter menconed

Item I give to the poore of Hose ten shillings to be paide within ten dayes after my desease

Item I give to my Cosin Richard Julian of Statherne five shillings to bee paid within ten dayes after my desease

Item I give to my Cosin Thomas Doubleday of Statherne and his wife to each of them one shillinge

Item I give to my kinsman Henerie Parnam of Hose blacksmith in the County of Leicester and Elizabeth Arnall of Willowby in the County of Nottingham wife of Joseph Arnall all that halfe quarterne of land meadow pasture and common with thapptenants in Hose field to them and their heirs for ever to be equally devided betwixt them which I purchased of Robert Hickling of Claxton alis Long Clawson whom I make the aforesaid Henerie Parnam and Elizabeth Arnall my executors of this my last will and testament paying all legaces and four pound funerall charges

In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and Sealle the day and yeare above writen

                                                                                                         Georg Julyan His Marke

Sealed Signed published as the last will and Testament of the above saide George Julian

John Rowse

Thomas Barker

Ann Morris her Marke

William Cosworth


An Inventory of the Goods and Chattells of George Julyan late of Hose in the County of Leicester Batchellor Deceased Taken and Apprised the Twentyeth day of August Anno Dni 1694 by Us whose names are hereunto Subscribed

  £ s d
Imprimis His Purse and Apparrell 13 6 4
One Pewter Flaggon three platters and three porringers 0 5 0
One Chest and One Box 0 8 0
One bedstead two Mattresses to Pillows one Boulster three sheets two      
Coverleds & two Blanketts 1 7 6
Two Forks & One Saddle 0 1 6
  15 8 4

John Rowse

Ricd Julian Sen

Ricd Julian Jun


Probate 17 October 1694