Hurst John 1703 of Holwell Will

John Hurst of Holwell 1703 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1703/63

In the name of god Amen I John Hurst of Hollwell in the County of Leicester Gent being indisposed in Body but of sound mind memory and understanding praised be Allmighty God for it Doe make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following

Impris I bequeath my soul into the hands of Allmighty God my Creator and my body to the earth from whence it was taken to be decently interred in the Church of Abkettleby in the said County of Leicester att the discretion of my Extors hereinafter named hopeing through the onely merritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redeemer for a Joyfull resurrection to life eternall

Allsoe I Give and Bequeath to my sonn and heir apparent John Hurst my Silver Tankard Clock Jack Long Table in the Hall Kneading trough in the Bakehouse one feather bed and mattresse pillows and pillobeares one paire of sheets two Blanketts a quilt and a sett of Curtains for furniture for a Bedstead his Grandfather gave him And Alsoe a Copper and mash fatt if hee releases to my Extors hereinafter named all his right and claim to the Copper and Mashfatt given him by his Grandfather

Allsoe I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary a Silver Cup with her Name upon it

All the rest of my silver plate I Give and bequeath to my four daughters Mary Susanna Elizabeth and Anne to be disposed of amongst them att the discretion of my Extors hereinafter named

All the rest of my household Goods hereinbefore unbequeathed I Give to my said daughter Mary when shee shall attaine the Age of one and twenty yeares or day of marriage which shall first happen or sooner if my Extors hereinafter named shall think fit

Allsoe I Give and bequeath to my daughter Anne and my youngest sonn William the sume of two hundred & thirty five pounds apeece att their severall and respective Ages of one and twenty yeares or daies of marriage which shall first happen

All the rest of my Goods Chatells and personall Estate whatsoever unbequeathed my debts Legacies and Funerall Charges being first paid and discharged I give and bequeath unto my daughters Mary Susanna Elizabeth and Anne and my youngest son William to be equally devided and shared amongst them att their severall and respective Ages of one and twenty yeares or daies of marriage which shall first happen And if it soe happen that any of them shall depart this life before the Age of one and twenty yeares or day of marriage Then my will and mind is That the portion or Legacy of them or any of them soe dieing shall goe and remain and shallbe devided and shared equally to and amongst the Survivor and Survivors of them and the Child and Children of any one or more of them who att such time shall happen to be dead It being my will and mind that such Child or Children shall have onely such share and proportion as his or her father or mother should have had in Case such father or mother had been one of the Survivors

Allsoe my will and mind further is That if my eldest sonn John Hurst shall within one yeare after hee shall attaine the Age of one and twenty yeares by good Conveyance and Assureance in the Law Convey and Assure All that farme in Coddington in the County of Nottingham now in the tenure or occupacon of one John Cantrell senior his Assignee or Assignes upon my youngest sonn William Hurst his heires and assignes for ever then my said sonn John Hurst shall att the time of the Legall Execution of such Conveyance and Assureance receive and take out of the portion and Legacy hereinbefore bequeathed to my said sonn William the sume of one hundred and fourscore pounds of good and lawfull money of England in lieu of such farme any thing herein contained to the Contrary there of in any wise notwithstanding

Allsoe my will and mind further is If my said Eldest sonn John shall happen to depart this life before the Age of one and Twenty yeares without issue then living or borne in due time afterwards That then the Portion or Legacy herein bequeathed to my said sonn William … such said farme shall cease and that the same shall goe to and remain and shallbe devided and shared equally to and amongst the said Mary Susanna Elizabeth and Anne and the Survivor and Survivors of them and the Child and Children of any one or more of them who att such time shall happen to be dead in such manner as afore is appointed

Allsoe I give and Bequeath to my Grandaughter Milbrow Wiles one Guinny

Allsoe I Give and bequeath and Committ the Guardianshipp and Educacon of all my Children dureing their respective minorities to my Executors hereinafter named

Allsoe my will and mind further is That my Extors hereinafter named shall if to them it seems fitt and convenient dispose of and apply as much money out of my said Childrens portions or Legacies as they shall find needfull or necessary to Stock such Grounds as I now Rent in Langar in the said County of Nottingham and Welby in the said County of Leicester or any part or parcell thereof untill my said Sonn John shall attain the Age of one and twenty yeares or for a lesse time and that they may make use of him in the management of the same for the time if they think fit

And I will that when he comes to the Age of one and twenty yeares hee may Rent them himself if hee pleases And allsoe that they shall in the mean time place and keep out att Interest the overplus of the said portions and Legacies and the whole after they shall leave of Stocking of the said Grounds untill the said portions & Legacies shall become due and payable as aforesaid and that the Interest produce and Increase thereof shall goe towards their respective maintenance and Education to whom the same shallbe due and payable as aforesaid

Allsoe my will and mind further is If any losse shall happen in Stocking of the said Grounds or any part or parcell thereof or in placeing or keeping out att Interest of the Portions or Legacies or any part thereof that such losse shallbe proportionably abated and deducted out of the portion or Legacy portions or Legacies of such Child or Children as att the time of such Losse sustained shall then be not due or payable And that my Extors hereinafter named and everie of them shallbe hereby saved and kept harmelesse and indemnified from the same

And Lastly I doe nominate and appoint George Chiseldyne of Burrough in the said County of Leicester Gent Edward Chiseldyne of Ridlington in the County of Rutland Gent And John Foxy of Kneeton in the said County of Nottingham gent full Executors of this my last will and Testament hereby revokeing all former wills and Testaments whatsoever att any time by me heretofore made And I Give and bequeath unto my said Executors one Guinny apeece besides their necessary Charges and Expences In and about the Execution of this my Last Will and testament

In Wittness whereof I the said John Hurst have hereunto sett my hand and seal the twenty first day of Aprill in the eleaventh year of the Reign of William the third of England &c King Anq Domi 1699

                                                                                                                John Hurst

Signed sealed published and declared by the above named John Hurst to be his last will and Testament in the presence of use whose names are hereunto subscribed and all our names were subscribed in the presence of the said John Hurste

Deborah Cheselden

Eliz Cheselden

Edward Cheselden

Memorandum the word: or her and the word Aprill were Interlined before the said John Hurst did execute this his last will and Testament


Deborah Cheselden

Eliz: Cheselden

Edward Cheselden

A True and perfect Inventory of all the goods Cattle and Chattles of John Hurst late of Holwell in the County of Leicester Gent decease taken by us whose names are hereunder written this Eleaventh day of July Anno Dni 1699

Imprimis Purse and Apparell And money att Interest109000
Old Hay att Langer016000
Forty Bease att Langer182000
Two hundred Thirty and Foure Sheepe And thirty three Lambs att Langar208058
Fourteene Cowes att Welby050000
One hundred & sixteen Sheepe And two and fifty Lambs att Welby097010
One & Twenty Cowes and 1 Bull at Holwell064000
One hundred sixty & four sheepe And Ninety Lambs att Hollwell139068
Two Geldings & two Mares028000
Two Swine003000
Two Hives of Bees000140
Coales in the Coalehouse
Eleaven Acres of Oates016000
Three pad saddles one side saddle & Bridles001100
The Moety or one halfe of the Oates in Mrs Welbye close040000
Beame scales & Weights000100
Bacon and Oates004100
Chease Mault Barley and Salt003100
The Bookes in the Closett001050
One Weayne two plowes two harrows two Ox Teames Yoakes Geares & two
Thirteen Silver spoones two Childrens spoons Two little silver Cupps sold
Silver Boale two Paire of Silver Shoe Buckles 1 Meddall A five shillinge piece
of Gold  006100
One Silver Tankard006000
A Clock001050
A Jack000050
The long Table in the Hall000068
The kneading trough one feather bed one Mattris pillows & pillowbeares
one paire of Sheetes two Blanketts a quilt one sett of Curtaines i Copper &
In the Kitchin Fire Irons pewter Dishes with other things004000
In the Hall Fire Irons two Joyned formes &c000140
In the Little Dineing Roome one Table six Chaires &c000150
In the Greate parlour one large Table and sixteene Chaires &c004100
In the Little parlour one Bed with the furniture002100
In the pantrie one safe one Cubbord &c000040
In the Matted chamber one Bed Glass one Chest of Drawers Chaires &c012000
In the Greene Chamber one Bed with the Furniture thereto belonging005000
In the Little Chamber one Bed with Furniture001000
In the Hall Chamber two Beds with Furniture thereto belonging one large
Trunke one Chest of Drawers &c008000
In the Mans Chamber one Bed with Furniture &c001100
All the Linen020010
In the Brewhouse Brass potts & pans001100
Tubbs & other Wooden Vessells002000
In the Dairey one Cheese press Cheese fats &c000120
One Silver two Eared Cupp & 2 Silver Salts  002000

John Cantrell

Rich. Wiles

Exhibited 4 October 1703