Howitt Helen 1636 of Ab Kettleby Will

Helen Howitt of Ab Kettleby 1636 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/248/112

Much of the top left corner of this will is missing, extending from three quarters of the way across the top down to three quarters of the way down the left-hand side

[Missing] of Abkettlebie in [missing] with my selfe the [missing] time thereof & knowinge [missing] be troubled with worldlie [missing] memorie make and [missing]

First & above all [missing] Almighty God my Creator [missing] holy Ghost my Comforter [missing] comelie manner in the Church or [missing] fore said

Item I give to Henrie [missing] Englishe money

Ite I give to John [missing]

Item I give to Anthonie Frisbie [missing]

[missing] give to John Yates x shillinges if he [missing] if he die before the xs shall remaine [missing]

[missing] give to Henrie Newtons children xs to be [missing] them

Item I give to Judith Crafts one Towell [missing] hath already

Ite I give to Anthonie Frisbie second [missing] one pillowe

Ite I give to Henry Newtons daughter [missing] pott & one coveringe that came from Stableforde

Item [missing] to Agnes Griffin xxs & my best Boulster

Item I give to Thomas Griffin xxs

Item I give to the poore of Abkettlebie ws

Item whereas I Hellene Howet should have given to William Newton xs which Peter Howet bequeathed unto him I gave him my house & land & tould him that he should never have the xs

All the rest of my Goods unbequeathed my funeral expences discharged I give & bequeath to Thomas Griffin whom I make the sole executor of this my last Will & Testament

And I doe revoke all former Wills & confirme this

In witnesses hereof I have sett my hand & seale the day & yeare above written

                                                                                                                Hellen Howet her marke

These beinge witnesses

Samuell Neale

Nathaniel Neale

Memorande that this 10 li which William Newton oweth to Hellene Howet is not to be payed till 3 yeares after my decease & then to be payed to Thomas Griffin that he may distribute it accordinge to my will & not [hole about two words] which are given by will shall be distributed till the 3 yeares be expired


A true Inventory of all the goods of Hellen Howett of Abkettleby late Deceased taken & prised by John Pares & John Crosse the 18th daye of July 1636

Inprimis given as appeareth by her will & testament to Certaine persons in the
will specified and named1000
Item her purse & Apparell0100
Item 3 Coverlets 3 pillowes 2 bolsters & 2 blanketts0150
Item 2 old matrices0040
Item 4 payer of hempen sheets00120
Item 3 platters 2 sawcers 2 Candlesticks 2 salts & 2 Cushions00060
Item in the howse one Cubbard one table one Forme & on Chayre00100
Item in the parlor one owld bedsted one owld presse & 2 Coffers00060
Item in the Chamber one owld Coffer one skep with other Implements00030
Item in the kitchin one penn a churne Fyer iron & spit00026
Item in the yard one old hovel & 6 pales00030
Item for all thinges unseene & unprised00010
Sum is141406

Exhibited 26 July 1636