Ludovic Hose of Harby 1613 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/236
In the name of god amen Aprill 30 Ano Domi 1613 I Ludowik Hose of Harbye in the countye of Lecester yeoman sicke in bodie but whole in minde and of good and perfect remembrance thanks be unto almightie god for the same doe make and ordeyne this my last will and testament in forme and manner as followeth
Impris I commend my soule unto almightie god my maker and redeemer and my bodie to be buried in the church yarde of Harbye and my goods to be disposed as followethe
That all such debts and duties as I owe of right or conscience to any man be well and trulye payde by mine executors 1 To Willm Watson of thaforesayd Harby 6l 12s due to be payd unto him at the feast of St Martin in the yeare of our lord 1613 2 To Margaret Bas widdow of Harbye aforesayd due to be payd unto her at the same tyme 22s 3 To Thomas Grocoke of the same towne 44s due to be payd unto him at the feast of Phillip and James in the yeare of our lord 1614
After my debts payd and funerall expences discharged my will is that Margaret my wife and Richard Gregge my sonne in law shall ioyntly inioye and possess my house and lands thereto belonging the term of eight yeares fully to be expired and then and not before to yield up the same to Willm Hose my eldest sonne Provided that if my sonne will suffer them peaceably to inioye it that terme that then they leave unto him the hovel cart plough and harrow and also do paye unto him 3l vis viiid and likewise that he have the great table in the hall otherwise he shall have only twelve pence for his portion
It I bequeath unto Ludowik Hose my second sonne ten pounds of lawfull money to be payd unto him when he shall come to lawfull Age and the rest of my goods remayninge to be equally devided betwixt Margaret my wife and Richard Gregge my sonne in law whome I make executors of this my last will and testament
It I will that Rachell Dubbleday a little girle which I have brought up at the expiration of the eight yeares aforesayd have two yewes and two lambes of ether my executors one
It I will that the great brewing pan be my Wifes while she liveth and after her decease my daughters Greggs to be then of her eldest daughter if god send her daughters otherwise to bestow at according to her discretion
It by my will I provide that if my execut: doe … … ether to other in any consideration concerninge theire exequtorships that the matter be arbitrated and ordered by the discretion of my neighbors William Watson and John Chester whome I make Supvysors of this my testament
Probate 11 May 1613