Holmes Prudence 1619 of Harby will

Prudence Holmes of Harby 1619 Will

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1619/124

In the name of god Amen I Prudence Homes of Harby in the County of Leicester Widdowe being sicke in bodye but of perfecte memorye (thanks be to god) do appoynte and make this my laste will and testament in manner and forme following viz that is to saye

First I give and bequeathe my soule to Allmyghty god my maker hoping by the merritts of Jesus Christe to be saved And my bodye to be buried in the Church yarde of Harby aforesayd

Item I give unto my Sonne Gorge Homes 6s 8d to be payd to him within one yeare after my deacease and xxs which I owe unto him

Item I give unto my sonne Anthony Homes xxs to be payd to him within one yeare after my deacease and xxs which I owe unto him

Item I give unto Willm Homes my youngest sonne xxs to be payd within one yeare after my deacease unto him And xxs which I owe unto him

Item I give unto my sonne John Porter vs to be payd to him within one yeare after my decease

The reste of my goods unbequeathed my debts beinge payd and my funerall expences discharged I give unto my sonne James Homes whom I make the full and sol executore of this my last will and testament to see that my bodye be brought to the grounde and my debts and legacies discharged according to the trewe intente and meaninge of this my present will and testament

In Wittnesse whereof I the foresaid Prudence Homes have sett my hand the xxxith of December 1619 and in the sevententhe yeare of Kinge James his Raygne of England France and Ireland and of Scotland the fiftythe and three defender of the faythe &c


Mathew Markham

Francis Freman

Richard Gregge [his marke]

Probate 8 March 1619/20