Hoe John 1693 of Long Clawson will and inventory

John Hoe of Long Clawson 1693 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1693/88

In the name of God Amen The second day of October 1693 I John Hoe of Claxton als Long Clauson in the County of Leicester yeoman being weak of body but of a good and perfect memory Blessed be God for it doe make & ordain this my last Will & Testament in manner & forme following, that is to say

First I give & bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator hoping and assuring my self through the Lords mercies and the Alsufficient meritts of Jesus Christ my blessed Saviour & Redeemer to be partaker of everlasting life, And as for my body I bequeath to the Earth from whence it was taken to be buried in Christian buryall at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter named

And as touching the worldly goods which it hath pleased the Lord to lend me I give & bequeath the same as followeth

Imprimis I give & bequeath unto my kinsman John Hoe, son of my brother Robert Hoe of London ten pounds to be paid one year after the decease of my loving wife Elizabeth Hoe

Item I give unto my brother Richard Hoes children viz Hanna, Thomas & Elizabeth fifteen pounds a peice to be paid one year after the decease of my loving wife aforesaid

And if it happen that any of the children of my brother Richard Hoe die before they come to receive their Legacy my Will & mind is that the Legacy or Legacies shall goe to the Survivours or Survivor of Richard Hoe aforesaid

Item my Will & mind is that if my brother Robert Hoes son die before he come to receive his Legacy then the Legacy above bequeathed to goe to my brother Richard Hoes children aforsaid or the survivours or survivor of them

Item I give unto my kinsman Edward Hoe Son of my brother Edward Hoe twenty pounds to be paid one year after the decease of my wife aforesaid

Item I give unto Elizabeth Hoe daughter of John Hoe deceased five pounds to be paid as the aforesaid Legacies, & my will is that these two last aforesaid legacies be paid by my brother Edward Hoe or his son John Hoe within one year after the decease of my loving wife, & Thomas Hoes discharge shall be sufficient for Elizabeth Hoes Legacy of five pounds

Item my mind & will is & I give & bequeath unto my Loving brother Edward Hoe & his heires for ever the Close that I bought of John Manchester to enter upon it immediately after my wives decease on condicon that he pay or his heires the legacy to Mr Robert Hoes son as it is afore appointed & alsoe the Legacies bequeathed to Richard Hoes children as above directed, & for non payment of the abovesaid Legacies I give the aforesaid close to the child or son of Mr Robert Hoe & the children of Mr Richard Hoe & the Survivor of them & their heirs for ever

Item for the non payment of the Legacy to Edward Hoe Son of Edward Hoe aforesaid & the Legacy to Elizabeth Hoe Daughter of John Hoe deceased, I give & bequeath this messuage wherein I now dwell with the appurtenacnes unto the above named Edward Hoe & Elizabeth Hoe & their heirs for ever

Item I give & bequeath unto my loving wife Elizabeth Hoe the close which I purchased of Joh Manchester during her life and alsoe the Messuage & appurtenances where I now dwell for her natural life

Item I give & bequeath unto my loving wife all my goods & Cattell whatsoever

And as for the house & messuage wherein I now dwell with the appurtenances I give & bequeath unto my Brother Edward Hoe & his heirs for ever paying the abovesaid legacies

Item I make my loving wife Elizabeth Hoe full & sole executrix of this my last Will & Testament she paying my debts & funerall expences

Thus revoking all former Wills & Testaments by me made, I hereby make this my last Will & Testament the day & year abovesaid

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal

                                                                                                         John Hoe

Signed sealed & published as the last Will & Testament of John Hoe in the presence of

John Keay

Rich: Fawkes

William Haes

Mary Hoe her marke

Probate 3 January 1693/4


A true and prefect Inventory of all the Goods & Chattells of John Hoe of Claxton als Long Clawson in the County of Leicester Yeoman deceased the second day of October Anno Dom 1693 & prized by us whose names are here subscribed the 9th day of October Anno Dom 1693

  £ s d
Imprimis His purse & apparel 12 3 4
Item In the new parlour one bedsted with the bedding curtains & vallance      
six chaires a little table a chest a cubbard 6 0 0
Item In the old Parlour a bed & bedsted with a matrice coverlid & blankets 6 0 0
Item A cubbard & box 0 10 6
Item In the new chamber A matrice 2 blankets a covering & curtains vallance      
two chests & linnen a box & 4 chaires 10 12 2
Item Linnen & peuter & woollen yarn in the two parlours 4 0 0
Item In the cheeschamber cheese & other things 5 10 0
Item Wool wheels & Malt 0 5 0
Item In the Kitchin the querns & brewing vessels Churn & other materialls 1 5 0
Item In the Dairy cheespress & berrills & other materialls 1 1 3
Item Copper & brass 5 0 0
Item In the servants chamber a bed & bedding 1 0 0
Item In the house two tables 4 stooles 6 chaires & cushins 1 6 8
Item Peuter & peuter case 0 15 4
Item A Coffer with salt 0 4 7
Item fire irons shovel & tongs & other materialls in the chimney 1 3 4
Item All horseflesh young & cold 69 0 0
Item horn bease young & old 37 0 0
Item Wheat barley pease & hay 80 0 0
Item Old wheat 1 10 0
Item Clot upon the ground 15 0 0
Item Nine Swine 3 10 0
Item Three Carts or carriages 8 10 0
Item Four harrows & tumbrills & lengths & horselocks 2 5 0
Item Four plows & plow timber 0 16 0
Item Cart geers & plow geers forks & winnow cloath & fan 7 10 0
Item Foure fleaks & fold fleakes & sheep cribbs ladders & cole 2 3 4
Item Bease cribbs & horse trough & swine troughs & well cribb 1 3 4
Item hovills & hovill posts & appurtenances 2 2 6
Item Things unseen & forgott 1 7 6
                                                                                                                Sum tot: 310 4 10

John Reay

Tho: Garton

Rich: Fawkes

Richard Guy

Probate 3 January 1693/4