Margaret Hodgkinson of Hickling 1609 Will
Nottinghamshire Archives PR/NW
In the name of God Amen the xviith day of June 1598 I Margaret Hodgkinson of Hicklinge in the County of Nottingham widdowe sicke in bodie but of a good and perfect remembrance god be praysed therefore I doe ordeyne and make this my laste will and testament in manner and forme folloeinge
First I bequeath my spirite into the handes of allmightie god and my bodie to the earth from whence it was taken to be buried in the Sanctuary of the church yarde of Hickinge aforesaide
And for the disposicon of my goodes I will they be disposed as followeth that is to saye that all such debtes and duties as I owe of right or of conscience owe to any person or persons be well and truelye contented and discharged by my Exequutors heereafter named
And after my debtes paid and my funerall expenses discharged and performed I will that all my goods and Chattells be devided unto two equall partes whereof I will that my sonne John have the one and my daughter Anne the other And yf it fortune eyther of my said children to decease before theie be of lawfull age or be married that then his or her porcion so deceasing be given to the other of them survivinge
And I will that Clement Thursbie and Rolfe Hodgkinson shall have the custodie of the said John my sonne and Anne my daughter and of their porcions and goodes untill they be of the full age of xxi yeares or else be maried and that theie be brought up and ordered at the discretion of the said Clement and Rolfe to witte that Clement Thursbie have the gardian of my sonne and Rolfe of my daughter they haveinge reasonable allowance for the tuicon of them
And finallie I make my said sonne John my full and sole and whole Exequutor of this my Last will and testament And I make the said Clement Thursbie and Rolfe Hodgkinson also supervisors thereof
In witnes whereof I have hereunto subscribed my hande unto this my present will the day and yeere above written
These bearinge witnes
William Needham
John Hodgkinson
Thomas Pilkington
Proved 11 January 1608/9