John Hickling of Long Clawson 1623 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1623/5
In the name of god Amen this 23th of Januarye in they yeares of the raigne of our soveraigne Lorde James by the grace of god of Englande France and Irelande kinge defender of the faith &c the twentie and one of Scotlande the fiftie and seaven 1623 I John Hickling the sonne of Nicholas Hickling of Claxton in the Countie of Leceister husbandman beinge sicke of bodie but of good and perfect memorye (praysed bee god) doe make and ordayne this my last will and testament in manner followeinge
In primis I give and bequeave my soule to god that gave it and my bodie to bee buried in the Church yarde of Claxton aforesaide
Itim what I determine shall be given to they poore I will give with myne owne handes
Itim I give towardes the maintayneinge of the bells xiid
Itm I give to either of my towe daughters xxtie poundes a peece of good and lawful money of Englande vid to Marye Hicklinge my eldest daughter twentie poundes And to my younger daughter twentie poundes And my will is that theis foresaied sume or sumes of money shall be put forth presently by William Guye thelder & Roberte Hicklinge, overseers of this my last will & testament, and either & both sumes aforesaide together with the severall increase (by the use money ariseinge to either sume) att the daye of the severall ages of 21tie yeares or daye of mariage first Comminge, to be payed & given to either of my daughters, provided also that if one of my daughters do survive the other, and she dienge unmaried Then my will is, that the whole sum of fortie poundes aforesaide shall be given and remayne to the longer liver of them
Further my will is (if it please god) that my wife Sense Hicklinge happen to bee with Childe which as yet is unknowne, then there shall be deducted out of either of they sumes of 20tie poundes aforesaide five poundes & that my wife Sense shall give 5 l which fifteene poundes shall be given to the Childe unborne in maner aforesaide (if it please god) that my wife that nowe is to with Childe
Itim I ordayne & my will is, that my mother in Lawe, Marye Clarke, be mantayned according to certayne Articles alreadie made sealed and delivered
Itim I give ioyntly to both my daughters a trusse bedstead that was my father Clarkes And also ordayne, appoynt, and my will is, That if both my daughters depart this worlde unmaried, that then they saied sumes of money aforesaide shall all returne agayne to my foresaied wife Sense Hicklinge
Itm I give unto Margarett Guye the daughter of William Guye thelder five shillinges
Lastly I make & ordayne my loveinge wife Sense Hicklinge sole & absolute executrixe of this my last will & testament to see the same performed, & my bodie reverently brought to the ground, & also both my daughters orderly brought uppe to theire severall ages aforesaide, To whome I give & bequeave all the rest of my goodes unbequeaved
Further I make & ordayne William Guye thelder and Robert Hicklinge of Claxton aforesaide, yeomen, overseers of this my last will and testament, giveinge to either of them for theire paynes xiid a peece Ordayneing & willinge that they put forthe & take secaritie for my daughters portions that they forwarde to the onely use of my daughters as aforesaide
Confirmed under his hande & seale
Testes sunt
Thomas Wright Scriptor
Willm Guye
Robert Hickling
Probate 2 March 1623/4