John Hickling of Hose 1614 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/237/110
All men shall knowe by these presents that I John Hicklinge of Hose in the Countye of Leicester Clarke for dyvers good and reasonable consideracons me thereunto specially moveinge have given granted and confirmed And by this my present deede of gifte doe freely and absolutely give graunte & confirme unto my brother in lawe William Gamble of Asforbee in the Countye of Leicester yeoman And to William Julyan of Hose my sonne in lawe in the Countye aforesaid yeoman all my goods cattells and Chattells as well moveable and unmoveable of what degree quantitie or qualitie soever they bee or wheresoever they shall be founde within the Realme of England To have hould occupie and enioye the same to them their heires executors administrators and assignes in as ample and large manner and forme as ever I the foresaid John Hicklinge ever enioyed or might have occupied or enioyed the same Provided allwaies that the presaid William Gamble and William Julyan their executors administrators and assignes shall finde and provide or cause to be founde and provided for me the foresaid John Hickling and Elinor my wife sufficient meate drinke apparell and lodging fit and convenient for … our estates and calling dureinge the naturall lyves of me the foresaid John & Elinor my wife and the longer lyver of us from tyme to tyme and att all tymes hereafter according to the true intent and meaninge of these presents
In witnesse whereof I the foresaid John Hicklinge have hereunto subscribed my name and sette my seale the xviiith day of Maye Anno Dni 1614
John Hicklinge Clarke
Read Sealed and Delivered and possession and seison of all my goods cattells and Chattells by the deliverie of two brasse candlesticks to the foresaid William Gambly [sic] and William Julian in the presence of William Clarke Clarke George Fullwood Richard … his marke Robert Hicklinge his marke Richard Hicklinge his marke