Henson William 1638 of Long Clawson als Hall will and inventory

William Henson or Hall of Long Clawson 1638 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/249/5

In the name of god Amen This fifte daye of Maye in the yeare of the raygne of our Soveraigne Lorde Charles by the grace of god of England Scotlande France and Irelande Kinge defender of the faith &c the twelth 1636 I William Henson als Hall of Claxton als Longe Clauston in the Countie of Leceister Husbandman, Beinge sicke of bodie but of good and perfect memorye (praysed be god) Doe make and ordayne this my last will and testamente in manner and forme followeinge

In primis I give and bequeave my soule to god that gave it And my bodie to the earth from whence it Came and to be buryed in the Church yarde of Claxton aforesayed

Item I give and bequeave unto Jane Dafte, the wife of Robert Dafte, my naturall daughter, all my Land during all the times and tearme of her natural life And then to Robert Dafte my sonne in Lawe dueringe all the time & tearme of his naturall life And after the longer liver of them both, Then to John Dafte her naturall sonn & heire and to his heires for ever And for want of such heires, then to the next of the kindred and bloud of the saied John Dafte

Item I give to his sonne John Dafte tenne shilllinges a yeare yearelye

If it Come into the hands of the said Robert Dafte my will is & soe I ordayne that Jane Dafte my naturall daughter shall have and enioye all my Bills & Bondes, whatsoever they are, or shall be founde

Item my will is that my naturall daughter, Jane, shall give to every one of her naturall children, fortie shillinges a peece To Robert fourtie shillings to William fortie shillings To Elizabeth fourtie shillings

The rest of all my goods, moveable and unmoveable, I give and bequeave unto my naturall daughter Jane Dafte, whome I make sole & full executrixe of this my laste will & testament, to see my legacies performed and my bodye brought reverently to the ground

Lastley I make & ordayne Thomas Leavers and Richard Dalby overseers of this my last will & testament Confirminge the same under my hand and seale

                                                                                                         William Henson

Testes sunt

Thomas Wright Scriptor

Richard Dalby his marke


A true Inventorye of all the goods & Chattells of William Henson, als Hall, of Claxton als Longe Clauston in the Countie of Leceister husbandman Taken this 18th day of October 1638 By Robert Hicklinge yeoman & William Nicolson husbandman of Claxton aforesaid

  l s d
In primis his purse apparell 1 13 4
Itim in bond & obligatorye 23 0 0
                                                                      The whole sum is 24 13 4

They prayers names

Robert Hickling

William Nicholson his marke                                                                                                    

Probate 5 December 1638