Henry Stacy of Long Clawson 1724 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1724
In the Name of God Amen I Henry Stacy of Claxton als Long Clawson in the County of Leicester Officer of the Excise being Sick and Weak of body but of Sound and perfect Mind and Understanding praised be Almighty God for the Same doe and ordain this my last Will and testament in Manner following (that is to say)
Impris I commend my Soul into the hands of almighty God who gave it me hopeing through the alone Merritts and mediation of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to have full pardon and forgiveness of all my Sins and to obtain Eternall life and my body I committ to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executrix herein after named and as for my Worldly Estate which it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I give devise and bequeath the Same as followeth viz
I give and devise All that my Messuage or tenement and one Oxgang of land and one Close Comonly Called Inmomes Close with their and every of their appurts Situate and being in Stonesby in the County of Leicester which I lately purchased of one Brian Mitchelson Unto my dear and loving wife Mary Stacy for and during the time of her natural life and from and immediately after her decease then I give & devise the Sd Messuages or tenemts one Oxgang of land and Close Called Inmomes Close Unto my Son William Stacy his heires and assignes for ever
Item I give and devise all that one Oxgang of land and two Hill Closes with their and every of their appurts Situate and being in Stonesby aforesaid which I lately purchased to me and my heires of and from William Baresby gent Unto my dear and loving Wife Mary Stacy and her heires In trust nevertheless and Subject to the payment of the Several legacies herein after by me bequeathed (that is to say)
I give and bequeath Unto my Son Henry Stacy the Sum of Forty pounds to be paid Unto him when he shall attain to his full age of one and twenty years
Item I give and bequeath Unto my four daughters Mary Stacy Elizabeth Stacy Bridgett Stacy and Frances Stacy the Sum of Six and twenty pounds apiece to be paid Unto them when they shall attain their Severall and respective ages of one and twenty years And I Doe here by Charge my aforesaid one Oxgang of land & two Hill Closes so given and devised Unto my dear and loving Wife Mary and her heires as aforesaid with the payment of the Said Sum of forty pound So given and bequeathed Unto my Said Son Henry Stacy and also with the payment of the Sums of Six and twenty pounds apiece So given and bequeathed Unto my Said four daughters Mary Stacy Elizabeth Stacy Bridgett and Frances Stacy to be paid Unto them Severally when they shall attain their respective ages of one and twenty Years
And my Will and Mind is that if any of my Said five Children Henry Stacy Mary Stacy Elizabeth Stacy Bridgett Stacy and Frances Stacy Shall happen to dye before he she or they shall attain to his her or their Severall and respective ages of one and twenty Years then I give the legacie or porcon of him her or them So dying Unto the Survivor or Survivours equally nd my will and Mind further is that in Case my Eldest Son William Stacy shall happen to dye before my Said Son Henry Shall attain to his full age of one and twenty Years whereby the Estate herein before by me devised Unto my Said Son William (after my Wifes decease) shall descend Unto my Said Son Henry as heir at law for his brother William then my Will is that the legacies of forty pounds herein before by me bequeathed Unto my said Son Henry when he shall attain to his full age of one and twenty years shall be equally divided and paid Unto and amongst my said four Daughters Mary Elizabeth Bridgett and Frances Stacy or Unto Such of them as Shall be then living
And my will and Mind further is that my Said dear and loving Wife Mary Stacy Shall have and receive the rents issues and profitts of the said one Oxgang of land and two Hill Closes So given and devised Unto her In trust as aforesaid for and towards the maintenance and Educacon of my Said Children William Henry Mary, Elizabeth, Bridgett, and Frances Stacy Untill they shall attain to their Several and respective ages of one and twenty years
Item all the rest of my Goods Cattle Chattles and personal Estate whatsoever my debts and funeral Expences being first thereout paid I give and bequeath Unto my Said dear and loving Wife Mary Stacy (she bringing up my Said Children) whom I hereby appoint and Nominate full and Sole Executrix of this my Will hereby revoking all former Wills by me Made declaring this to be my last Will and testamt
In Witness whereof I the Said Henry Stacy have hereunto Sett my hand and Seale this fourteenth day of July Anno Dni 1722
Hen: Stacy
Signed Sealed published and declared by the Said Henry Stacy the testator for and as his last Will and testament in the presence of us who have Subscribed our names as Witnesses hereto and Memd the Words (Children William) were Rased before the Sealing & publishing hereof
William Julian
Edward Jackson Jun
Anth: Wadd
Probate 23 February 1724