Healey John 1633 of Eastwell will and inventory

John Healy of Eastwell 1633 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1633/109

In the name of God Amen the xvi daye of Maie 1633 I John Healye of Eastwell in the countie of Leicester husbandman beinge sicke in bodye but whole in minde and perfect in memorye thankes be to God doe cause this my laste will & testament to be written for the disposing of my temporall goods in maner and forme as followeth

First I bequeth my Soule into the hands of Almightie God my creator and to Jesus Christe my onlye Saviour & Redeemer by whose merits I hope to be saved and my minde is that my bodye shalbe buried in the Church yard of Eastwell aforesaid

Item I give to everye own of my Children as followeth

I give to George Healye my eldest sonne iiil vis viiid and to Thomas Healye and John Healye my sones iiil vis viiid apeece and to everye own of my daughters Elizabeth Healye Marye Healye Annis Healy Margaret Healye & … Healye iiil vis viiid a peece

I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Healye more own peare of flaxen sheets & that Cow which was called hir own before

All the Reste of my Goods unbequeathed my debts beinge paid & legesses & funerall expenses discharged I give unto Annis Healye my welbeloved wyfe whome I make full executrix of this my laste will soe longe as shee keep hir widdow but and yf shee marye againe then my desiar is that when my sonne George Healy shall accomplishe the Age of Tow and twentye yeares he might be Tenant to my Lord for the farme whear in wee dwell and my daughter Elizabeth to have his portion paid hir when shee shall acomplishe the age of Twentie yeares

                                                                                                         John Healye marke

Wittnesses to the same

Richard Healye

George Sharpe


A true and perfect Inventory Indented of all the goods cattell and chattells of John Healye late of Eastwell in the Countye of Leycester husbandman deceased taken and praysed the third daye of June 1633 in the yeare of the Raigne of our Sovraigne Lord Charles by the grace of god of England Scotland France and Ireland Kinge defender of the faith &c the Nyneth By Ralph Lyn Richard Healy Thomas Healy and George Sharpe praysers

Imprimis his purse and apparel 3 0 0
In the parlor      
Item Two beddsteads & Three Cofers one ould press & one ould Cubbard 1 0 0
Item Seaven Coverings five boulsters eight pillowes three mattresses 3 2 0
Item five paire of flaxen sheetes foure paire of hempen sheetes xi paire of      
harden sheetes eight pillowe beares foure towels two table clothes three      
napkins and hangings for a bed 6 0 0
Item 15 yards of new hempen & 15 yards of harden 1 2 6
In the chambers 2 bedsteads Chestes 2 ould tubs 2 ould barrells and one      
Cheese board 0 8 6
Item one woollen wheele 3 lynnen wheeles 3 … Two cheese racks one forme      
one table & other wooden ymplements in the Chambers 0 10 6
Item for wooll in the chamber 1 0 0
Item wheat Rye and oatemeale in the chamber 2 16 0
Item Beefe Bacon butter and Cheese 1 10 0
In the Hall a Bible and other books 0 3 8
Two Cubbards 1 frame table 2 formes 2 Chaires & 3 Stooles 2 1 6
Item Brass and peuter of all sortes 2 11 0
The fire yron rackins hooks cobbard & other things 0 6 8
In the buttery 3 barrells 3 kynnells and other things 0 6 8
In the kitchen 4 tubbs sacks coles & other things 1 0 0
One Cart & one Wayne with geares & other ymplements of husbandry      
… trees & plowe tymber 11 2 0
Item hovells leathers & other wood with the complass 1 10 0
Corne hay & strawe about the yard 2 10 0
Foure mares & 2 fillies 14 0 00
Five kyne Yonge beasts & 2 calves 15 0 0
Three Score Sheep 21 0 0
Corne hay & grass in the field 30 0 0
Swyne geese & hens 1 10 0
Things that are forgotten 0 1 0
Debts owinge to the Testator …      
By Robert Dafte & Laurence Godfrey by bond 18 15 0
                                                                                                                Suma tot 132 5 10

Probate 27 August 1633