Henry Healey 1728 of Stathern Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1728
In the Name of God Amen March the 3 1727 according to the Computation of the Church of England I Henry Healey of Stathorne in the County of Leicester Blacksmith being of perfect Memory and Remembrance praised be Almighty God doe Make and Ordaine this my Last will and testament in Manner and forme following viz
First I Bequeath my soul into the Hands of almighty God my Maker Hopeing that through the Merritorious Death and passion of Jesus Christ my Only Saviour and Redemer to Receive free pardon & forgiveness of all my sins and as for My body to be Buryed in Christaine Buriall att the Discretion of My Execetrix hereafter Nominated
Imprimis I Give to my Daughter Annis Healey one Bed in the Chamber and all the Beding belonging to the same bed
Item I Give to my Daughter Sarah Healey one Bed and all the beding belonging to itt in the parlor
Item I Give to my Daughter Jane Healey the full sume of twenty shillings
Item I Give to my Daughter Mary the full sume of five pounds to be paid att the age of one and twenty years and my Execter to take Care of Her untill the time be Expires of Her age
Item I Give to my Daughter Elizabeth Healey the full sume of five pounds to be paid att the age of one and twenty years and my Exector to take Care of Her untill the time be Expired of the age
Item I Make My Son Richard Healey Soul Execeter of this my Last will and Testament paying all My Debts and Leagicys before Mentioned Revoaking all other Wills and testaments
Witness My Hand and seal the day and year first above Written in the presence of us whose Names are unto sett
Henry Healey Marke
Tho Beaverly
William Parman marke
John Goodwin
Probate 26 March 1728