Henry Haughtry of Eastwell 1587 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1587/74
In the name of god amen the xxith day of January in the xxixth yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereign Ladye Elizabeth [1586/7] by the grace of god of England Fraunce & Ireland Queene defender of the faythe &c I Henrye Hawtry of Estwell in the Countye of Leycester gentleman beinge in perfecte memory doe constitute & make this my last will & testament in manner & forme followinge viz
First I bequeath my sowle to god my hevenly maker & my boddy to be buryed in the church of Estwell
For the disposing of my temporall goodes I geve to the poore of Estwell to each of them one peck & a half of barley
Itm I geve & bequeath to Jane my wyfe the use of all my goodes & chattles moveable & unmoveable durying her naturall lyfe my detts beinge payde & after the decease of the sayd Jane my wyfe my will is & I geave & bequeath all the foresayd goodes & chattells to my Sonne Willm Hawtry for ever payinge & delivering to his brother George Hawtry my other sonne twenty pounds money of England
Itm I will that my neighbour Willm Portman shall have delivered into his hands the Lease which I have of the farme which I dwell in at Estwell to be kept to the uses of my wyfe & my sonne Willm aforesayd & for the better further safety of my tenants (to whom I have devised sundry parcels of the sayd land) so longe tyme as the sayd lease endureth according to my meaninge hearin
For the performance of this my last will & Testament I constitute & make my lovinge wyfe Jane & my sonne Willm Hawtrye my Executors of this my sayd last will & my neighbour Willm Portman my overseer of the same that my sayd goodes be disposed & ordered to the use of my sayd wyfe & that they be left to my children according to my trew meaning hearin
Wytnesses hearof
Willm Heath
Nicholas Perpoynt
Willm Crosse
Willm Portman
Probate 26 August 1587