Hawley William 1693 of Long Clawson will and inventory

William Hawley of Long Clawson 1693 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1693

For as much as it is appointed for all men once to die upon the tenth day of September in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred ninety and three I William Hawley of Long Clawson in the County of Leicester yeoman being sicke and weake in body but of perfect memory & remembrance praised be God do make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following

First I bequeath my Soule to God and my body to the earth

And as for those goods which it hath pleased God to bestow upon mee I give & bequeath as followeth

Imprimis I give unto the poor friends belonging to the vale meetting the sume of five pounds

It my will is that my Cottage house and lands and the fouare leas close with all the appurtenances be sold And I do hereby give full power unto my brother Phillip Hawley and John Skrimshaw to sell convey and assure the same and the money which the said Cottage shall be sold for (after John Skrimshaws Mortgage is paid off) to be evenly divided between my brother John Hawleys children

It I give unto Sarah my wife all my personall estate as goods Chattells & cattle whatsoever shee paying my debts legacy & funerall Charges And I do hereby make her the sole Executrix of this my last will and testament

In Wittnesse whereof I do hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare above written

                                                                                                         William Hawley his marke

Signed sealed & published in the presence of

John Doubleday

John Ouldham

Isaack Toogood his marke

Hen: Browne


A true and perfect Inventory of all the Goods Chattells and Cattell of William Hawley of Claxton alias Long Clawson in the County of Leicester deceased the fifteenth day of September Anno Dom 1693 and apprized the eighteenth of the same by use whose names are subscribed

  l s d
Imprimis His purse and apparel 3 6 8
Item In the Chamber over the Parlour one chest one trunk 6 chaires a litle table      
with 3 pair of sheets & to dozen of napkins 2 10 0
Item A bed & bedding Curtains & vallance blankets & sheets 4 0 0
Item In the Chamber over the Milk house 3 little wheels a long wheel & some      
white and coloured wool 1 10 0
Item In the chamber over the house cheese, old barley, wheat pease and malt      
& other inconsiderable things 7 0 0
Item In the parlour two beds & furniture belonging to them also two chests      
& one box 6 6 8
Item Wool in the parlour 8 0 0
Item In the house a long table fire irons & 8 chaires 1 3 4
Item In the Kitchin … lead brewing vessells & other inconsiderable things 3 0 0
Item In the chamber over the kitchen a bad bed & other lumber 0 10 0
Item In the Dairy 4 berrills a churn & milk vessells & kitts & other smal things 1 4 10
Item Brass & peuter 3 0 0
Item Coales & bees 2 0 0
Item Barley wheat pease & hay & oates 80 0 0
Item Mares & foles & all the rest of horseflesh 44 10 0
Item Cowes yearlings & calves 34 10 0
Item Sheep & lambs 40 0 0
Item a lease to come 10 0 0
Item … in the yard 4 0 0
Item Carts & geers & other utensils for husbandry 10 1 4
Item Clott upon the Ground 20 0 0
Item Pullin & things unseen & forgot 1 0 0
  287 12 10

John Reay

Robert Wright

Thomas Hickling

John Doubleday