James Harward of Stathern 1670 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1670
November the 27th 1668
I James Harward of Stathorne in the County of Leicester yeoman doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following
First I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator and Redeemer and my body to be buried in the Churchyard of Stathern aforesaid
First I give unto my sonne Richard Whittacare one halfe oxgang of land being in the feilds of Stathorne to him and his heires forever
Item I give unto my daughter Katherne one oxgang of land lieing in the feilds of Stathorne to enter of one quarter of the said oxgang of land after the decease of the said James Harward or Marget his wife whichsoever of them it shall please god to take the first and the other three quarters to enter after the decease of the last of either the said James or Margett whichsoever of them it shall please god to live the longest to her and her heires for ever with my littell Pingle … lying next Charles Rowse to enter after the decease of James or Margett to her and her heires for ever
Item I give to my Wife Margeret one cowe and her bees and all the goods that isuith in my house which she brought with her
Item I give unto my daughter Katherine all the rest of my goods moveable and immoveable shee payeing five pounds to my daughter Isabell two monthes after the decease of my wife Margeret
Item I make my daughter Katherne sole executor of this my last will and teastement
In wittness whereof I sett to my hand and seal the day and yeare above written
James Harward his marke and seale
Sealed and delivered in the presents of us
John Dixon
Thomas Sumner
Probate 8 April 1670