Robert Hardall of Long Clawson 1592 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/213/53
In the name of god amen the xith daye of November in Ao dni 1591 and in the three and thirteth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of England France Ireland Queene defendress of the faith &c I Robert Hardall of Clawson alias Claxton in the Countie of Leicester Husbandman beinge sicke in bodye but of good & perfect Remembrance god be praysed do make & ordaine this my last will & Testament in maner and forme followinge
Firste I bequeath my soule unto Almightie god trusting to be saved by a lively faith in Christ Jesu & my bodie to be buried in the Church yarde of Clawson alias Claxton
Item I give & bequeath the lease of my farme the one halfe to Alice Hardall my wife & the other halfe to John Hardall my sonne during the naturall life of my said wife
It I give to Michaell Hardall my sonne v li to be paid when he shall come to the age of one and twentie years
It I give to Anne Hardall my Eldest daughter v li to be paid when shee shall come to the age of one & twentie yeares or at the day of hir marriage
It I give to Margaret Hardall my daughter v li to be paid when shee shall come to the age of one & twentie years or at the daye of hir marriage
It I give to Elizabeth Hardall my daughter v li to be paid when shee shall come to the age of one & twentie years or at the daye of hir marriage
It I give to William Hardall my sonne v li to be paid when hee shall come to the [“age” missing] of one & twentie years or at the daye of his marriage
Also my will is that & if it please god to take this naturall life from any of theyse my said children that there parte or portion to remaine & be equally devided amongest the rest of there brethren & sisters before named
Also my will is that after the decease of my said wife my will is that John Hardall my sonne shall have the whole intrust in my farme & for want of Ishew of my sonne John lawfully begotten on his body after his death I give & bequeath the whole intrust of my farme to Michaell Hardall my sonne
The rest of my goods unbequeathed my debts & legaces discharged I give & bequeath to Alice Hardall my wife & John my sonne whom I ordaine Joint Executors of this my last will and Testament
Item I make Edwarde Moore and Edwarde Guye Supervisours of this my last will and Testament
Probate 20 July 1592