Richard Hordall of Eastwell 1603 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/225/5
In the name of god amen: the xith daye of February in the xlith yeare of the Rayn &c I Richard Hordall of Estwell in the countye of Leycester husbandman beeinge in perfect memory doe make this my last testament in manner & forme followinge
First I gyve & bequeath toward the reparacions of the Church vid
Itm I desire that my farme in Estwell shall be had & used by my twooe sonnes James & Francis durynge such tyme as yt shall please my Landlord Sir Barabazan Knight to suffer them to ynioy two yard land of the which the appurtenances to my sonne James & the third yard land of yt with the appurtenances to my sonne Francis
Item I will and desire that all my corne in my houses hovells and barnes shall be & continew to the sowing of my farme & keeping of my howse in manner & forme as yt hath been heretofore used & kept untill the beginning of hey harvest, & then I desire that my sonne James shall have the whole croppes & profyttes of twoe yard land, & my sonne Francis the whole croppes & profyttes of one payinge for yt proporconable accordynge to theyre parte
Itm I will that my sonne Francis shall have my browne Cow for the monye I owe him
Itm I give my other cow to James my sonne in respect that he shall pay my heryott
Itm I give to my sonne James the elder of my twoe Mares, & to my sonne Francis the yonger Mare
Item I give to my sonne James sonne Christopher one ewe, & my hoggrell to my sonne Francis
Item I will that my sonne Francis shall have one of my swine the lesser & James the Sowe
Itm I give to my daughter Elizabeth one strike of Rye & one strike of Barly my corne in the howse
Itm I give to the poore of Estwell twooe strike of Rye and Barlye vis to Burd the one Strike & the other Strike to Draper Flynte and Godley
Itm I give to my daughter Elizabeth twoe sonnes Thomas & John Rose one payre of harden sheetes
Item I give to my sonne Francis all my pewter
Item I give to my sonne James the biggest of my two potts
Item I give the greater of my pannes to James, & to Francis the lesser
Itm I gyve my sonne James daughter Isabell my skummer & my woollen wheele
Item I give my sonne James daughter Alice the linnen wheele
Itm I give my candlestick & one coffer to my sonne James daughter Annes
Item to his daughter Judeth my spytte the greatest
Item I give to James wife Katheryne my Ambrye & my penne in the hall
Item I give to my sonne Francis the table & the foarme in the hall
Item I give to my sonne James twoe Coffers
Item to Francis my sonne I give the coffer which my lynnens be yn & all the linnens yn it, saving the payre of sheetes allready given
Item I gyve to my sonne Francis all my bedding & the lesser of my leven tables
Item I give to my sonne James my wayne & wayne furniture, my plough & all the furniture: & harrowes, & plow timber
Itm I give to my sonne Francis the overcrosse little hovell
Itm I gyve to my sonne James my mustard quirnes & I make my sonnes James & Francis my exectors of this my last will and testament & give the [hole] my goodes unbequeathed to the sayd my twoe [hole] Francis
Witnesses heareof
William Portman
Richard Spick
William Hicklin
Thomas Pett
Willm Bickerstaffe
An Inventorie of the goods of Richard Hordall of Estwell in the county of Leycester husbandman deceased made the tenthe day of Januarye in the fortieth and fyveth yeare of the Reigne of our soveraigne Lady Elizabeth the Queenes Majesty that now is
Imprimis his apparrelle | iiiis |
Item three payre of course sheetes | iiis |
Item ii coverlets | iiiis |
Item ii bolsterrs and one pillow | xvid |
Item i bedsted and one mattresse | xiid |
Item i pewter dish, one candlestick & one skummer | iis |
Item one Brasse pott and one panne | vis viiid |
Item one long Table & one forme in the hall | iis |
Item one woollen wheele & one Lynnen wheele | viiid |
Item one Ambry & one Penne | iiis iiiid |
Item one leaven Tubbe | xiid |
Item twoe coffers | iis |
Item one other little Tubb | viiid |
Item twoe Spitts & one paire of cobyrons | iix vid |
Item one Mare | lxs |
Item on stoned Coolt | xxxs |
Item one ewe | vs |
Item one cop yoke & wayne cleeves & short linkes | iis |
Item one draught yoke, one draught teme, one payre of plough clevees, one culture, & one | |
share and one payre of Iron harrowes | vs |
Item the fyer Irons, and one Brandyron | iis |
Summa total vl xxiiis 2d |
This present Inventorie was made The daye and yeare first above written by William Portman
Witnesses hereof
Davyd Barker
Nicholas Perpoynt
Richard Spick
Probate 5 May 1603