Michael Hardall of Long Clawson 1629 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/245/47
In the name of god Amen This fifte daye of Jannarye in the fourth yeare of the raygne of our Soveraygne Lorde Charles by the grace of [“god” missing] of Englande, Scotland, France and Irelande Kinge defender of the faith &c I Michaell Hardall of Claxton als longe Clauson in the Countie of Leceister, Laborer, Doe make and ordayne this my last will & testament in manner followinge
In primis I give my soule to god that gave it and my bodie to bee buried in the Church yarde of Claxton aforesaide
Itim I give and bequeave my nowe dwelling house, & my Close or tofte with all and singular they appurtinances thereunto belonginge unto my eldest sonne Robert Hardall & to his heires for ever to enter unto it at the age of twentie & eight yeares Provided & my will is (that if it please god) that hee shall depart this world and be unmarried before that he come to the age of 28tie yeares, as aforesaide Then my foresaied house with all and every thapportinances and Commodities there unto belonginge shall discende and Come to his brother William Hardall, and to his heires for ever
Itim I give unto my foresaied sonne Robert xiid for his filliall portion to be payed at the age of 21tie yeares
Itim I give unto my seconde sonne, William Hardall, fortie shillings to bee payed at the age of 21tie yeares
Itim I give unto my daughter Corneliah Hardall fortie shillings to be payed at the age of 21tie yeares Provided that if either of the foresaied William, or Corneliah depart this world unmarried, or in his or her minorities, then the whole foresaied foure poundes shall wholley remayne to the sarviver
All they rest of my goods & Chattels unbequeathed I give and bequeave unto my lovein wife Ellen Hardall, whome I make & ordayne sole and full executrixe of this my last will and testament to see my debts & legacies payd And because shee payeth my debts & Legacies Therefore I ordayne & my will is, that she shall have hould and peaceablye enioye to her proper use my foresaied house with all & everye they profittes & apportinances thereunto belonginge for all such tearme & time untill my foresaied sonne Robert Come to the age of twentie and eight yeares or that time be expired & fully Compleat & ended
Lastly I make & ordayne Henrye Marriatt of Claxton aforesaide, husbandman, & John Kellham of Dalbye Chacombe overseers of this my last will & testament
Testes sunt
Thomas Wright Scriptor
Henry Marryt
Richard Hicklinge his marke
Probate 21 October 1629