William Guy of Long Clawson 1591 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1591/78
In the name of god amen the xxiiith of Januarye … … … … and in three and thirteth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god of Englande France and Irelande Queene defendresse of the faith &c I Willm Guye of Claxton in the Countie of Leicester husbandman beinge sicke of body but of perfect remembrance god be praised do make & ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and forme followinge
Imprimis I bequeath my soule unto Almightie god trustinge to be saved by a livelye faithe in Jesu Christ and my body to be buried in the parish Church of Claxton
Item I give to the pore mans boxe of Claxton xiid
Item I give and bequeath the Lease of my farme the one halfe to Anne my wife and the other halfe to Richard Guye and Hew Guye my sonnes
Item I give to Robert Guye my Eldest sonne one yearlinge fillye
Allso I give to Richard Guye & Hew Guye the sonnes of Robert Guy either of them one quy Calfe
Item I give to Margarett Marrett one silver spoone
Allso I give to Edwarde Marrett and Margaret Marrett either of them one quy Calfe
Item I give to Edward Guye my sonne v li one heffer and one silver spoone to be paide him at Martinmas next which shall be in the yeare of our lorde god 1591
Item I give to Andrew Guye my sonne v li and one silver spoone the money to be paid him at Martinmas which shall be in the yeare of our lorde god 1592
Item I give to Owin Guye v li and one silver spoone whereof xxxs to be paide him at such time as he shall go to be apprentis and the rest when he shall come to the age of xxith years
Item I give to Thomas Guye Salloman Guye and Francis Guye everye one of them v li and everye one of them one silver spoone they to be paide when they shall accomplish the age of xxi years
Item I give to Jane Guye my daughter v li and one silver spoone to be paide when shee shall accomplish the age of xxi years
Allso I give to Jane Guye my daughter one presse standing in the parler & one quit coveringe
Item I give to Effum Guye my daughter v li & one silver spoone to be paide when shee shall accomplish the age of xxi years
Item I give to Elizabeth Moore the daughter of John Moore one lambe hogge to be paid at the day of hir marriage if shee so longe do live
The rest of my goods unbequeathed my debtes and Legaces discharged I give the one half to Anne my wife and the other halfe to Richarde Guye and Hew Guy my sonnes whom I make & ordaine Joint Executors of this my last will and Testament
Item I ordaine and make Edwarde Moore Edwarde Guye & Thomas Marrett Supervisours of this my last will & Testament
The Inventorie of all the goods and Cattels with other riches moveable and unmoveable of Willm Guye late of Claxton in the Countie of Leicester Husbandman deceased taken and praised the xxth day of March in Ao dni 1590 [1590/91] By Richarde Byarde Edward Moore Henrye Burdett Thomas Marrett Richarde Hubbarde Edwarde Guy
Imprimis his Apparrell & money in his purse | xxs |
Item all the furniture in the hall | xxs |
Item all the furniture in the ould parler | v li |
Item all the furniture in the newe parler | v li xiiis iiiid |
Item all the puter with the rest of the furniture in the butterye | xxxs |
Item all the Brasse with the rest of the furniture in the kitchen | iiii li xs |
Item ix flikes of Bacon | xxvis viiid |
Item all the furniture in the chamber over the hall | xxxs |
Item Cart & Cart gayers plowe & plow gaires with … harrowes and pales | vi li vis viiid |
Item plowe tymber horse planchars … hales with other Implementes in the yarde | xls |
Item the lease of the house | xxx li |
Item the croppe of Corne & haye on the grounde | l li |
Item the Corne & haye in the barne | v li |
Item x sheepe & xi swine | v li |
Item iiii bullockes and ix kye | xxv li |
It xi yearling Callves with iii heaffers | vii li |
It horses mares Coltes and fillyes | xx li |
Suma totalis Clxxii li xvis viiid |
Probate 6 May 1591