Grime William 1634 of Long Clawson inventory

William Grime of Long Clawson 1634 Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/36/181

A true Inventory of all the goods & Chattells of William Gryme of Claxton in the Countie of Leceister Laborer lately disceased Taken this 18th of December 1634 By Robert Hicklinge yeoman, Edwarde Hicklinge & William Manchester husbandmen, of Claxton aforesaid

In primis his purse & apparel 53s 4d
Itim in the parler 7 Coverleds 1 blankett 1 peece of wolle cloth 50s
It 6 pillowes & 3 boulsters 26s 8d
Itim 3 mattresses 13s 4d
Itim 2 payre of flaxe sheets & other 8 payre 40s
Itim pillowe beares and napkins & a towel 10s
Itim 2 bedsteads & Chests 40s
Itim an ould Cubberd 2 Barells & 1 Lanthorne 6s
Itm in the Chamber house brasse in potts & panns 40s
It peeces of pueter and a brasse Candlesticke 14s
It 1 Table 1 Cubberd 1 pen 1 forme & benche 30s
Itim Tubb, Kitts & 1 Chorne 8s
Itim in the Chamber Certayne Impleaments 6s 8d
It 2 Cheares, stoules, & Quushions 2s
Itm in the yeard 3 kyne 1 weaned Calfe 7l
Itm Corne, barley & pease and hea, wheat land sowed 5l
Itim hovel tymber, pales & refuge wood, & a ston trough 14s
Itim 12 sheepe 3l 13s 4d
Itim Coales & fire Irons 6s 8d
Itim pullen 2s
Itim Bacon 2s 6d
Itim a shelfe and other Impleaments in the house, and things forgotten 2s
                             The whole sume is 33l 10s 6d
They debts he oweth are 13l 4s

They prayers names

Robert Hickling

Edward Hickling                theire

William Manchester        markes

Exhibited 16 December 1634