Thomas Goodwin of Long Clawson 1641 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Wills PR/T/1641/3
In the name of God Amen March the 15 Ao Dom 1640
I Thomas Goodwin of Claxton alis Longe Clawson in the County of Leic Labourer beinge sickly of Body but of good & perfect memory (God be praysed therefore) doe ordaine this my Last will & testament in manner & forme following
That is to say first I give and bequeath my Soule unto Allmighty God my Creatour hopeinge & verriley my selfe through Gods mercy & the onely merits of Jesus Christ my onely Saviour & redeemer to be partaker of Life everlasting & my body I give to the earth from whence it was taken to be buried in Christian buriall in the Church or Churchyard of Claxton alis Longe Clawson aforesayd at the discretion of my Executor & for the worldly Goods with which it hath pleased God to endow me I doe dispose of them in manner & forme following
Imprimis I give unto my Loveinge wife Edith Goodinge the thirds of my goods
Item I give unto my 3 Daughters Mary & Margaret & Edith my Goods to be equally divided amongst them exceptinge before excepted & my debts & my funerall Charges beinge in the first place defrayed & … they to have theire portions when they be of eighteene yeares of age & till then to remayne in the Overseers hands
Item I make Thomas Goodinge my sonne the Executor of me & of this my Last will & Testament to whom I give my house with the Close & the Land when that the Lease is expired which was Let to Henry Stoaks & to his Assignes
And Lastly I desire the Overseers of Claxton alis Long Clawson to be the supervisors of this my Last will & Testament thus revoking all former wills by me made whatsoever
I doe constitute & apointe this to be may Last will & Testament
Wittnesse my hand & seale heare unto putt the day & yeare first above written
The marke & Seale of Thomas Goodinge
Read published & declared to be the last will & Testament of Tho: Goodwin aforesayd in the presence of
Robert Kirkby
Robert Hickling
Tho Taylor [?]
Henrie Lease [?]
Probate 4 April 1641
A trew & ist Inventory of all the Goodes Cattell & Chattels of Thomas Goodings Late of Claxton alis Longe Clawson in the County of Leic deceased labourer taken March the 17th Ao Dom 1640 by
Robert Hickling
Tho: Leavers
£ | s | d | |
Imprimis his purse Aparrell & Girdle | 13 | 1 | 6 |
Item a table & a little Cubert a Chayre & 3 kitts fire Irons & other utencils in the | |||
house | 0 | 6 | 8 |
Item in the Parlour A Bedstead & bedding a Chest a woole Wheele & other | |||
items there | 0 | 16 | 0 |
Item in the Chambers A tubb two Coffers a Pinte & a pippin Pott & other small | |||
thinges | 0 | 50 | 0 |
Item three Cowes | 5 | 0 | 0 |
Item for things unnamed & forgotten | 0 | 0 | 4 |
The Summe total is nineteene Pounds nine Shillings Six pence | 19 | 9 | 6 |