Goodwin Roger 1626 of Long Clawson will and inventory

Roger Goodwin of Long Clawson 1626 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/243

In the name of god Amen this 15th of Feabruarye in the first yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lorde Kinge Charles [1625/6] by the grace of god of Englande Scotlande France & Irelande Kinge defender of the faith &c I Roger Goodwyn of Claxton als Longe Clauson in the Countie of Leceister Husbandman, doe make & ordayne this my last will & testament in manner followeinge

In primis I give & bequeave my soule to god that gave it and my bodie to be buried in the Church yarde of Claxton aforesaide

Itim I give unto my second sonne Richarde Goodwynn xiid

Itim I give unto my sonne Robert Goodwinn xiid

Itim I [“give” missing] unto my daughter Pight xiid

Itim I give unto Grace Whatchorne xiid

Itim I give unto my daughter Joane Handley xiid

Itim I give unto my daughter Marye Goodwynn fourtie shillinges to be payed within twelve moneths next after my discease And to bee amended & augmented at the discretion of my executor & of my wife Marye Goodwynn aforesaide

Itim I give & bequeave unto my loveinge wife Marye Goodwynn aforesaide all my bedding and lynnens whatsoever

Itim my will is that my saied wife have Convenient manteinance & findeinge of meat, drinke & apparell sufficient for a woman of her estate with sweet washinge & ringing & also my will is that she have yearely a rood lande of Barley, well filled mannured & sowed & brought home for her use at the Charges of my executor Provided that if she shall mislike, and then removeinge & liveinge with any of her other Children, that then my executor shall paye unto her yearelye for and towardes her maintenance dueringe naturall life foure poundes of good and lawfull money of Englande

Itim I give xiid to be given to sixe of the poorest people in the parishe, at the discretion of the minister and my executor

The reste of all my goods unbequeaved I give and bequeath unto my eldest sonne Thomas Goodwynne whome I make and ordayne sole & full executor of this my last will & testament to see the same performed & my bodie to be brought honestly and decently to the ground

Lastly I make William Robinson & Richard Hubberde, of Claxton aforesaide, overseers of this my laste will & testament giving to either of them vid for theire paynes, which I confirme under hand & seale

Testes sunt Thomas Wright Scriptor Robert Hoe his marke


A true Inventorye of all the goods and Chattells of Roger Goodwynn of Claxton als Long Clauston in the Countie of Leceister husbandman lately disceased Taken this 28th of September 1627 By William Loe husbandman & William Kerby laborer of Claxton aforesaid

In primis his purse and apparell 13s 4d
Itim in the parler 2 bedsteads an ould cofer 10s
Itim the brasse & woodden ware 7s 6d
Itim a table, frame, forme & settle 2s 6d
Itim a broken Cubberde & a boxe 4s 4d
Itim an ould feather bed 7s
Itim 3 Coverleds, 1 blanckett 9s
Itim 5 ould pillowes 3s 4d
Itim 3 ould flaxen sheets 6s
Itim 5 harden sheets 5s
Itim thinges forgotten 4d
                                                                                                     The whole sume 3l 8s 4d

The praysers handes & names

William Loe

William Kerbye his marke

Exhibited 20 September 1627

Probate 6 March 1626/7