Lawrence Godfrey of Hickling 1667 Will
Nottinghamshire Archives PR/NW
In the Name of God Amen I Lawrence Godfrey of Hicklinge in the Countye of Nottingham yoman beinge weake in Bodye but of perfecte memorye praised be god for it doe make and ordaine this mye last will and Testament in manner and forme following
Firste I commend mye soule into the hands of Allmighty God hopinge to be saved bye the All sufficiente merritts of Jesus Christ mye onlye Savioure and Redemer and mye body to be buried in Christian Buriall in the Church or church yarde of Hicklinge aforesaid
And as concerning those lands and goods which the Lord hath bene pleased to bestowe on me I doe dispose of them in manner and forme following
First I give and bequeathe unto Frannces Godfrey mye lovine wife the third parte of all mye lands duringe her naturall life and two partes of all my goods in the house called house holde stuffe and one cowe and one yearelinge heffer
It I give unto Elizabeth … mye daughter of Nottingham two pounds to be paide unto her within twelve moneths nexte after my decease
It I give unto Issabell Slator mye daughter twentie shillings within twelve moneths nexte after mye decease
It I give to Marye Slator mye granchilde one ewe & a lam at mye decease
It I give to Richard Slator the younger & Margarett Slator each of them a ewe hoge within twelve moneths after mye decease
It I give to John Godfrey thelder mye sonne twelve pence
It I give to John Godfrey mye grandchilde ten shillings within twelve moneths after mye decease
It I give to Anne Marche mye daughter of Kinolton twelve pence
It I give allsoe to Frances Godfrey mye wife one ewe & a lam & a ewe hog and the third parte of the corne coming and growing of mye … oxgange for one yeare … present
It I give to Free… Marche mye grandchilde of Kinolton one ewe hoge within twelve moneths next after mye decease
It I give to Danielle Browne mye granchilde twelve pence of Nottingham
It mye will is that Richard Slator mye sonne in lawe shall have and enioye to him and his heires for ever all the grounde wherein his dwellinge howse and barne now standeth as it is now severed devided and parted from the rest of the Close called Oake lane Close
All the rest of mye lande & goods unbequeathed my debts beinge paide and funeral chardges discharged I give and bequeathe unto Lawrence Godfrey the younger mye loving sonne whom I doe make ordaine constitute and appointe sole Executor of this mye last will and Testament
In witness whereof I have hereunto sett mye hand & seale the fourteenth daye of Aprill in the fourteenth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the second bye the grace of God Kinge of England Scotland France & Ireland defender of the faithe &c Ano dom 1662
Lawrence Godfrey his marke & seale
Sealed and delivered in the presence of us
John Collington
William Attwell his marke