Richard Glen of Stathern 1623 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1623/68
In the name of God Amen The xvi day of May in the yeare of our Lord god 1720 I Richard Glen of Statherne in the Countie of Lecester blacksmith doe ordayne and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following
First I bequeath my Soule to allmighty god trusting to be saved by Jesus Christ and my body to be buried in the church yard of Statherne
Item I give to my daughter Elizebeath Glen five pounds to be paied within ten years after my decease if my sayd daughter Elizebeath live soe longe
Item I give to my wife Grace Glen all the houshould stuffe that she brought with hir when I maried hir and a Cow and a Calfe besides and to my daughter that I had by hir five pounds and a Cowe to be paied either when she shall be maried or when she comes to the age of one and twentie
Item I give to my daughter Anne five pence in full satisfaction of hir child part
Item I give to my wife the corne that I shall have in the Barne and the house towards the maintenance of hir and hir child
Item my will is that my daughters Elizebeath and Jane shall have the goods and houshould stuffe which was my first wives to be devided to them by equall portions
Item I give to my sonne James forty shillinges to be paied within six years by six shillinges eight pence yearly or the whole fortie shillings at the end of the six years as his Brother Roger Glen and the … …
Last of all I make my sonne Roger my whole Exsequitor of this my last will and testament
In wittness whereof I have sett too my marke the day and yeare above wrighten
Richard Glen his marke
Wittnesses to this last will and testament
Roger Derham
Henry Derham
George …
Probate 1 April 1623