George Garret of Hickling 1670 Will
Nottinghamshire Archives DD/2008/6/1 and PR/NW
In the name of God Amen I George Garret of Hickling in the County of Nottingham yeoman being weak in body but of good and perfect memory doe make and ordaine this my last Will and testament in manner and forme following
First I bequeath my Soule to God who gave it me trusting only to be saved by the merits of Christ my Redeemer and my body to be buried in the Churchyard of Hickling at the discretion of my executrix
I give to my loveing wife my house halfe oxgang of land with the appurtenances thereto belonging only my shopp exsepted
Item I give to my sonne George Garret my house and halfe oxgange of lands with all the appurtenances thereto belonging after his mother desease
I give to my sonne George Garret my shopp and the loomes with all the geares with all the other Emplements belonging to my trade and shopp
Item I give to my sonne John Waughden and Elizabeth his wife one ewe hogg
Item all the rest of my goods cattells and chattels moveable and unmoveable I give to my loveing wife Mary Garret whome I make sole executrix of this my last Will & Testament my debts first payed and my funerall expenses discharged
I doo hereby renounce and Disnull all former wills made by mee and soe I rest my soule in the Mercy of Gods promises unto me in Christ Jesus waiteing upon my God untill the time of my changeing shall come
In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the fifth day of January In the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred sixty nine
George Garrett his mark
Sealed in the presents of us
Richard Robinson
Elizabeth Waughden her mark